Tuesday, March 7, 2023

New Cognitive Skills in the Age of AI Tailored Information

2023-02-02    Share on: Twitter | Facebook | HackerNews | Reddit

New Cognitive Skills in the Age of AI Tailored Information Presentation

Exploring the new cognitive skills of tomorrow with advanced AI generative models.


Speculating on New Cognitive Skills in Humans using Large Language Models and Advanced AI Generative Models

The rapid development of large language models and other advanced AI generative models based on prompts has led to speculation about the potential impact on human cognitive skills. As these technologies continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, it is possible that they will lead to the development of entirely new cognitive skills that we have never seen before.

Ability to process and understand complex information at an accelerated rate

One possibility is that heavy users of large language models may develop a heightened ability to process and understand complex information at an accelerated rate. This could be due to the large amounts of information that they are able to access and process through the use of these models. As a result, these individuals may be able to analyze and interpret information more quickly and effectively than those who do not use these technologies.

Something that can speed up understanding complex information is "Tailored Information Presentation". Large language models have the ability to process and synthesize information from multiple sources and present it in a manner that is customized to the level of understanding and knowledge of the user. For example, if a user wants to understand a complex topic at a high level of detail and precision, the model can present the information in a manner that is appropriate for an expert in that field. User might ask the model "Explain X like I am an expert in that field."

In contrast, if a user wants to understand a complex topic in a manner that is simplified and easier to understand, such as asking the model to "Explain X like I am a 5-year-old child" the model can present the information in a manner that is appropriate for a less knowledgeable audience. This could involve breaking down complex concepts into simpler terms and providing examples that are easier to understand.

This ability of large language models to tailor the information they present to the user's level of understanding and knowledge is a significant advantage over traditional search engines and information sources. It allows users to access and understand complex information in a manner that is customized to their individual needs and abilities, making the information more accessible and easier to understand.

Enhanced ability to think creatively and solve complex problems

Another potential cognitive skill that could emerge in heavy users of large language models is an enhanced ability to think creatively and solve complex problems. The ability to generate and test various solutions to a problem could be greatly enhanced by the use of these models, as they are able to generate a vast array of potential solutions and evaluate their effectiveness in real-time. This could lead to a significant improvement in problem-solving skills and the development of new and innovative solutions to complex problems.

Large language models (LLMs) have the potential to enhance the ability to think creatively and solve complex problems, in addition to providing access to vast amounts of information. The ability of LLMs to process and synthesize information quickly and accurately can provide a valuable resource for individuals seeking to develop and expand their critical thinking skills.

Example 1 Consider a scenario where a student is given a complex math problem to solve. By using an LLM to access information and understand the concepts behind the problem, the student can gain a deeper understanding of the material and develop their problem-solving skills. Student can ask additional questions requesting explanation of the parts that seems blurry to him/her and gain greater accessibility to an (artificial) expert that can explain difficult parts and thus, streamline whole process of understanding of complex problem. The similar example could be with understanding of Computer Science problems. This can lead to an increased ability to think creatively and come up with original solutions to similar problems in the future.

Example 2 Another example is in the workplace, where employees may use LLMs to research and gather information for a project. This access to a vast array of information can provide inspiration and new ideas, leading to more creative and innovative solutions. By synthesizing information from multiple sources and presenting it in a meaningful way, LLMs can provide a valuable resource for individuals seeking to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Large language models have the potential to enhance the ability to think creatively and solve complex problems. The ability of LLMs to process and synthesize information quickly and accurately can provide individuals with the resources they need to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. While large language models (LLMs) have many benefits and advantages, they also have the potential to negatively impact the ability to think creatively and solve complex problems. The over-reliance on LLMs for information and answers can lead to a decrease in critical thinking skills and the ability to think independently. This can have a negative impact on the ability to come up with innovative solutions to complex problems, and to think outside of the box.

Example 3 Consider a scenario where a student is given a complex math problem to solve. If they immediately turn to a search engine or an LLM for the answer, they may be missing out on the opportunity to develop their problem-solving skills and to think creatively about the problem. In this scenario, the student may simply copy the solution provided by the LLM without fully understanding the underlying concepts or the thought process that went into solving the problem. This can lead to a decrease in their ability to solve similar problems in the future.

Example 4 Imagine workplace, where employees may be relying on LLMs to provide them with answers to complex problems. This over-reliance on technology can lead to a decrease in the ability to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions. Rather than brainstorming and coming up with original ideas, employees may simply be relying on the answers provided by the LLMs, leading to a lack of originality and creativity in their work.

In the examples above (Example 1 and Example 3), two students approached solving a complex math problem in different ways. The first student relied solely on the information provided by the LLM and did not use their own critical thinking skills, leading to decreased cognitive capabilities. The second student used the information provided by the LLM as a resource, but also engaged in their own critical thinking and problem-solving processes, leading to increased cognitive capabilities.


To use LLMs in a way that increases cognitive capabilities, it is important to view them as a tool rather than a source of answers. Instead of relying solely on the information provided by the LLM, individuals should use the information as a starting point and engage in their own critical thinking and problem-solving processes. This includes asking questions, testing ideas, and making connections between information.

It is also important to be aware of the limitations of LLMs and not to rely solely on them for information. It is crucial to verify the information provided by LLMs and consider multiple sources to gain a well-rounded understanding of a subject. Additionally, individuals should prioritize developing their own critical thinking and problem-solving skills through practices such as reading, writing, and engaging in discussions.

In conclusion, while large language models have many benefits, they also have the potential to negatively impact the ability to think creatively and solve complex problems. It is important to balance the use of these models with independent thought and problem-solving, in order to maintain and enhance these important cognitive skills.

Ability to multitasking and manage multiple streams of information at once

It is also possible that heavy users of these models may develop an increased ability to multitask and manage multiple streams of information at once. This could be due to the ability of the models to process and analyze vast amounts of information in real-time, allowing users to access and analyze multiple streams of information simultaneously. This could lead to improved productivity and an ability to efficiently manage multiple projects and tasks at once.


However, it is important to note that while these potential cognitive skills are exciting to consider, they are purely speculative at this point. Further research is needed to determine the actual impact of these technologies on human cognitive skills and to understand the full range of new cognitive skills that may emerge as a result of their use. Nevertheless, the possibilities are exciting and highlight the potential for these technologies to greatly enhance our mental and cognitive capabilities in ways that we have yet to fully understand or imagine.

Any comments or suggestions? Let me know.

from Hacker News https://ift.tt/hfNWJXP

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