Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Vuln: RSyslog and sysklogd CVE-2014-3634 Denial of Service Vulnerability

RSyslog and sysklogd CVE-2014-3634 Denial of Service Vulnerability

from SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities http://bit.ly/1tg5Fxr

iCracked (YC W12) Hiring Software Engineers in Redwood City


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rFQZel

UXC grows in online security market with Saltbush acquisition

UXC has acquired the Saltbush Group, which will improve the company's position in the growing online security space, in particular the federal government market.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/ZqraV1

Kaspersky Lab Broadens Cooperation with Both INTERPOL and Europol

Kaspersky Lab has signed a cooperation agreement with INTERPOL and a memorandum of understanding with Europol to extend the scope of collaboration between the company and the law enforcement agencies in their joint fight against cybercrime.

from http://bit.ly/1DYsfmw

We are excited to announce the General Availability of VMAX3, along with HYPERMA...

EMC logo
We are excited to announce the General Availability of VMAX3, along with HYPERMAX OS! http://emc.im/YH70VZ

via EMC Feeds http://bit.ly/1vtvhcP

We are excited to announce the General Availability of VMAX3, along with HYPERMA...

EMC logo
We are excited to announce the General Availability of VMAX3, along with HYPERMAX OS! http://emc.im/YH70VZ

via EMC Feeds http://bit.ly/1vtvhcP

Reddit source code


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1xzXFOA

Citrix Solution Webinar: Developing a future proof enterprise mobility management strategy (Korea)

Citrix Solution Webinar - APAC - Korea (Korean): 기업 경쟁력 강화를 위한 엔터프라이즈 모빌리티 전략 개발 - 모빌리티는 많은 기업에게 있어 선결 과제이지만, 임직원들에게 사무실 밖에서도 업무 생산성을 유지하기 위해 필요한 유연성을 제공함과 동시에 대단히 실질적인 보안 및 규제 준수 문제를 해결하기란 결코 쉽지 않습니다. 따라서 적절한 보안 및 관리 기능을 겸비하면서도 어떤 기기에서든 모드 앱에 대한 접근성을 지원하기에 충분할 정도로 유연한 통합 엔터프라이즈 모빌리티 관리(EMM) 전략이 필요합니다. 시트릭스 젠모바일(Citrix XenMobile)과 시트릭스 쉐어파일 (Citrix ShareFile)의 독특한 통합을 완벽한 엔터프라이즈 모빌리티 관리 솔루션을 확보할 수 있습니다. 웨비나에서는 다룰 내용은 다음과 같습니다. •완벽한 엔터프라이즈 모빌리티 관리(EMM) 솔루션의 “필수” 요소 •EMM 솔루션 부문에서 시트릭스가 돋보이는 이유 •미래에도 경쟁력을 갖춘 엔터프라이즈 모빌리티 관리 전략 개발의 관건



from CitrixTV RSS Feed http://bit.ly/YKhi7z

ASIO powers to tap the whole internet pass parliament

Australia's Parliament has passed the first tranche of new national security reforms, approving laws that will give ASIO the power to monitor every device on the internet, and with a single warrant copy, delete, or modify data held on those devices.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/1uAg6kZ

New VMware Security Advisory VMSA-2014-0010 (shellshock)

Today VMware has released the following new security advisory: VMSA-2014-0010 This advisory list the VMware product updates and patches that address the bash security issues CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169, CVE-2014-7186, and CVE-2014-7187, aka shellshock. It will be updated when new product updates and patches are released in the coming days. Customers should review the security advisory and […]]> Today VMware has released the following new security advisory:


This advisory list the VMware product updates and patches that address the bash security issues CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-7169, CVE-2014-7186, and CVE-2014-7187, aka shellshock. It will be updated when new product updates and patches are released in the coming days.

Customers should review the security advisory and direct any questions to VMware Support.

Please sign up to the Security-Announce mailing list to receive new and updated VMware Security Advisories.

from VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1xzFMzy

New VMware Security Advisory VMSA-2014-0010 (shellshock)

Today VMware has released the following new security advisory:

VMSA-2014-0006 – Link

VMware product updates address OpenSSL security vulnerabilities

Please sign up to theSecurity-Announcemailing list to recieve new and updated VMware Security Advisories.

Customers should review the security advisories and direct any questions to VMware Support.

via VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1xzFMzy

Scale a real-time website – Poll Everywhere is hiring a DevOps engineer


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1qTFBq1

Crypto Market Monitor – Easily Access Bitcoin Market Data


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1qTFBpU

Notation as a Tool of Thought (1979) [pdf]


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1v2SpOV

How the Shinkansen bullet train made Tokyo into the monster it is today


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rsub2I

William Binney Explains Snowden Docs


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1v2Soun

The Compucolor 8001 (1976)


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rsu876

Factorli, an Early Casualty of the Las Vegas Downtown Project


from Hacker News http://on.recode.net/1v2SodK

Our First Dive Into the New Open Payments System


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rsu7QE

Benefits of Writing a DSL in Ruby


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rsu8nD

Byte: The Smalltalk Issue (1981) [pdf]


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1v2SnGH

Emotional Intelligence is Overrated


from Hacker News http://linkd.in/1v2Snqe

VMworld 2014 からの注目セッション 第2回 – Software-Defined Data Center と Hyper-Converged Infrastructure他


本稿では、Breakout セッション以外のVMworldの見所として、VMworld Partyについてご紹介してまいります。

■ VMworld Party

水曜日の夜は、VMworld Partyということで、モスコーンセンターのすぐ近くにあるイェルバ・ブエナ ガーデンズというモスコーンセンターのWESTと同じくらいの大きさの講演でPM7:00から開催されました。会場内では、筋肉系のエンターテイメントが実施されたり、かつらをかぶって記念撮影が出来たり、大きな画面でいろいろな映像を流したりしながら、ビールやワイン等のアルコールといろいろな軽食が取れるようになっています。


また、弊社CEOのPat GelsingerがEMCのCEOであるJoe Tucciからの指名によりアイス・バケツ・チャレンジも実施されました。こちらは、ご存知の方も多いかと思いますが、筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ALS)協会への寄付を募る活動で、氷水を頭からかぶるものになります。実施後弊社CEOが次に指名したかは残念ながら聞き取れませんでした。。。



■ ご注意
VMworld 2014速報ブログシリーズでは、USで開催されているVMworld 2014について現地から速報でお届けしています。発表時点での予定情報であり、本ブログに記載されている製品仕様やロードマップは将来予告無く変更になる可能性があります。

via VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1xzpQgB

VMworld 2014 からの注目セッション 第2回 – Software-Defined Data Center と Hyper-Converged Infrastructure他

皆様こんにちは、VMwareの塚田と申します。 今回は、8月末に米国サンフランシスコで開催されたVMworld 2014にて発表された数あるトピックより、比較的大きな注目を集めたVMware EVO:RAILに関連するセッションを取り上げ、より詳細な情報をご紹介致します。 VMworldでは、VMware EVO:RAILに関連するセッションが複数提供されました。本ブログ記事ではその中から下記セッションのの内容に沿ってVMware EVO:RAILについて紹介致します。 SDDC3245 (Software-Defined Data Center through Hyper-Converged Infrastructure) SDDC2095 (Overview of EVO:RAIL: The Radically New Hyper-Converged Appliance 100% Powered by VMware) Hypver-Converged Infrastructure – SDDC導入に最適化されたアプローチ 今年のVMworldにおける弊社からの発表、または発信内容のテーマの一つがSoftware-Defined Data Center(以下SDDC )の推進です。 SDDCにおいては、サーバ、ストレージ、ネットワーク等のデータセンター内のハードウェア資源は全てソフトウェアによって仮想化および抽象化され、リソースプールとして利用可能になります。また、それら仮想化されたリソースの運用管理はソフトウェアやAPIによって自動化され、ビジネス部門やITサービスの利用者からの要求に迅速に応えられようになります。 お客様が自社のITインフラをSDDCへ移行させたい、あるいは新規に導入したい、と考えられた時、お客様が取りうる導入方法(アプローチ)は下記の3通りのいずれかであるとVMwareは考えます。 Build Your Own(アラカルト) サーバやストレージ、ネットワーク機器などのハードウェア、仮想化ソフトウェア、管理ソフトウェアなどを個別に選択して調達し、お客様に合わせて統合する 利点:お客様の要件に沿ったカスタマイズが可能であり、構成上の自由度が最も高い Converged Infrastructure(統合インフラストラクチャ) サーバ、ストレージ、およびネットワーク機器が単体シャーシ、またはラック内に工場出荷時に構成済み。ソフトウェアはオプションとして選択可能。 利点 パッケージ済みなので購入が容易 お客様に合わせてカスタマイズが可能 一本化されたサポート窓口 Hyper-Converged Infrastructure(高度な統合インフラストラクチャ) 仮想化ソフトウェアとハードウェア(サーバ、ストレージ、ネットワーク)がSDDCを前提として統合済み それらのために最適化された管理ソフトウェアも同梱 利点 購入が容易 […]]> 皆様こんにちは、VMwareの塚田と申します。

今回は、8月末に米国サンフランシスコで開催されたVMworld 2014にて発表された数あるトピックより、比較的大きな注目を集めたVMware EVO:RAILに関連するセッションを取り上げ、より詳細な情報をご紹介致します。

VMworldでは、VMware EVO:RAILに関連するセッションが複数提供されました。本ブログ記事ではその中から下記セッションのの内容に沿ってVMware EVO:RAILについて紹介致します。

  • SDDC3245 (Software-Defined Data Center through Hyper-Converged Infrastructure)

  • SDDC2095 (Overview of EVO:RAIL: The Radically New Hyper-Converged Appliance 100% Powered by VMware)

Hypver-Converged Infrastructure – SDDC導入に最適化されたアプローチ

今年のVMworldにおける弊社からの発表、または発信内容のテーマの一つがSoftware-Defined Data Center(以下SDDC )の推進です。



  1. Build Your Own(アラカルト)

    • サーバやストレージ、ネットワーク機器などのハードウェア、仮想化ソフトウェア、管理ソフトウェアなどを個別に選択して調達し、お客様に合わせて統合する

    • 利点:お客様の要件に沿ったカスタマイズが可能であり、構成上の自由度が最も高い

  2. Converged Infrastructure(統合インフラストラクチャ)

    • サーバ、ストレージ、およびネットワーク機器が単体シャーシ、またはラック内に工場出荷時に構成済み。ソフトウェアはオプションとして選択可能。

    • 利点

      • パッケージ済みなので購入が容易

      • お客様に合わせてカスタマイズが可能

      • 一本化されたサポート窓口

  3. Hyper-Converged Infrastructure(高度な統合インフラストラクチャ)

    • 仮想化ソフトウェアとハードウェア(サーバ、ストレージ、ネットワーク)がSDDCを前提として統合済み

    • それらのために最適化された管理ソフトウェアも同梱

    • 利点

      • 購入が容易

      • ハードウェアとソフトウェアがSDDC向けに設計済み

      • より短時間で導入可能

      • 一本化されたサポート窓口

SDDC実現への3番目のアプローチであるHyper-Converged Infrastructure の特徴は、その用途をSDDC実現のために絞り込み、導入にかかる事前検討や調整の対象を徹底的に削減していることです。その代わり、カスタマイズの自由度が下がったり、拡張性に制限がかかったりするなどのトレードオフが伴いますが、SDDC実現を最優先にしたアーキテクチャであると言えます。

SDDC向け専用アプライアンス – VMware EVO:RAIL

VMware EVO:RAILは、このSDDC向けのHyper-Converged Infrastructureのアーキテクチャに沿ったハードウェア アプライアンスです。

VMware EVO:RAILは、2RUのシャーシ内に4台のサーバノードが搭載され、各ノードは次のようなスペックを備えています。

  • Intel Xeon E5-2620 v2プロセッサ(6コア)x 2

  • 192GBメモリ

  • ストレージ

    • 146GB SAS HDD、または32GB SATADOM(ESXiの起動ディスク)

    • 400GB SSD x 1

    • 1.2TB SAS HDD x 3

  • ネットワーク

    • 10Gb Ethernet x 2

    • 100Mbps/1Gbps管理用NIC x 1


  • vSphere 5.5(Enterprise Plusエディション)

  • VMware Virtual SAN

  • VMware vCenter Log Insight

  • EVO:RAIL Engine

VMware EVO:RAILはサーバノード間の共有ストレージを持っていません。その代わり、各サーバノードが内蔵しているSSDとHDDをVMware Virutal SANによって共有データストアとして使用します。

SDDCの導入と管理の複雑性を排除した管理ソフトウェア「EVO:RAIL Engine」

また、EVO:RAIL Engineは、VMware EVO:RAILのための管理用ソフトェアです。お客様は、VMware EVO:RAILの最初のセットアップから仮想マシンの作成など毎日の運用までを、このEVO:RAIL Engineで行うことが可能です。

VMware EVO:RAILをセットアップをする際は、PCからHTML5対応ブラウザを使って接続すれば開始可能です。セットアップにあたってESXiやvCenter Server、VSAN等に関する知識やスキルは必ずしも必要ではなく、インフラのことを意識せず、仮想マシンの作成や運用に専念することが可能です。

セッションでは、EVO:RAIL Engineを使うことにより、VMware EVO:RAILの初期化から最初の仮想マシンを作成するまで約15分で完了するデモを紹介していました。

また、EVO:RAIL Engineは最大4台までのVMware EVO:RAILを管理することが可能であり、増設もとても簡単です。2台目以降のVMware EVO:RAILをネットワークへ接続すると、クラスタへ自動的に追加され、コンピュート(CPU, メモリ)とストレージそれぞれの容量が自動的に拡張されます。一般的なサーバ用途の仮想マシンであればVMware EVO:RAIl 1台あたり100台、仮想デスクトップ(VDI)用であれば仮想マシンを同250台まで作成可能です。アアプライアンスを追加することにより、サーバならば最大400台、仮想デスクトップであれば最大1,000台まで拡張することが可能です。

VMware EVO:RAILはOEMパートナーから提供されます

ここまでVMware EVO:RAILの説明をして参りましたが、VMwareが「EVO:RAIL」というハードウェア製品を開発し販売するわけではございません。この点はくれぐれもご注意ください。

VMwareはVMware EVO:RAILを構成するためのソフトウェア(vSphereやEVO:RAIL Engine等)を開発し、これのOEM契約を結んだパートナー(以下EVO:RAILパートナー)各社へ提供しています。EVO:RAILパートナーが、このEVO:RAILソフトウェアと各社が開発、または調達したハードウェアを組み合わせ、各社それぞれのVMware EVO:RAILアプライアンスを開発し提供します。

本ブログ執筆時点でのVMware EVO:RAILのOEMパートナーは、Dell, EMC, Fujitsu, Inspur, Super Micro、およびネットワンシステムズの6社です。特にネットワンシステムズは、VMware EVO:RAILに基づくアプライアンス製品「NetOne Integrated System Appliance for VMware EVO:RAIL」を10月1日より販売開始することを発表されました(ネットワンシステムズによる発表資料へのリンク)。他のOEMパートナーからも日本国内でのVMware EVO:RAILアプライアンスの発表が続くと予想されますので是非お待ち下さい。

VMware EVO:RAILはOEMパートナーから提供されます

まとめ – VMware EVO:RAILの利点

ここまで述べてきました通り、 VMware EVO:RAILは、VMwareが推進するアーキテクチャ “Software-Defined Data Center” (SDDC)を実現するために特化したインフラストラクチャ アプライアンスです。これを用いる利点を再度まとめてみます。


VMware EVO:RAILは、SDDCのためのインフラとして求められる性能や信頼性、拡張性を備えながら、複雑性を徹底的に排除しています。セットアップ時に必要な設定項目もIPアドレスや管理者のパスワードなど必要最小限にとどめられています。また、ハードウェア、およびソフトウェアが相互に密に連携しています。それらのため、導入後最短15分で最初の仮想マシンを起動することが可能なくらい、SDDCを最速で構築することが可能です。


VMware EVO:RAILの運用管理は専用の管理用ソフトウェア”EVO:RAIL Engine”を用います。その操作にあたっては、VMware ESXiやvCenter Server等の仮想化ソフトウェア、そしてサーバやストレージ等ハードウェアに関する知識も必須ではありません。また、それらの技術に精通した専門家を雇用しづらい組織や、専門家が配置されていない拠点においてもSDDCのための基盤を導入することが可能です。


VMware EVO:RAILは最大4台(サーバノードは最大16台)まで拡張することが可能です。また、増設も非常に容易です。EVO:Engineが増設されたシャーシを認識すると、追加されたCPU, メモリ、HDDやSDD等のリソースが利用できるよう自動的に再構成します。その間も、仮想マシンを稼働させ続けられます。

このように拡張が非常に容易なので、必要になった時にリソースを追加することが可能です。そのため、お客様は常にジャストサイズの構成のVMware EVO:RAILを利用することが可能であり、過剰なリリースを抱える必要はありません。


from VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1xzpQgB

Notation as a Tool of Thought (1979) [pdf]


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1mNZl35

On a farm in Missouri, a radical experiment in self-sufficiency (2013)


from Hacker News http://nyr.kr/1mNZkMD

Searching for Jagari


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1wWejoB

Multi- and Conditional Dispatch in Traits in Rust


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1wWejot

What the Mind of an Insect Can Teach Us About Thirst


from Hacker News http://nyr.kr/1wWem3x

Trend Micro to share threat information with Interpol

Security software provider Trend Micro will share its threat information analysis with global police agency Interpol for the next three years, in a bid to bridge the gap in information sharing between the public and private sectors.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/1rsmJ7I

Apple Releases OS X bash Update 1.0

Original release date: September 30, 2014

Apple has released OS X bash Update 1.0 to address vulnerabilities found in the Bourne-again Shell (bash) which could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary shell commands.

US-CERT recommends users and administrators review Apple Security Update HT6495, TA14-268A, Vulnerability Note VU#252743 and the Redhat Security Article for additional details.

This product is provided subject to this Notification and this Privacy & Use policy.

from US-CERT: The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team http://1.usa.gov/1rJYxgp

A Fresh Look at Rust


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1ublMR1

Text in SVG: Attempt (Size Reduction)


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1ublJVq

Feature Updates: September 2014

We have some exciting new features and enhancements this month, including a new Custom Theme Builder! Theme your Socialcast community to match your corporate branding, showoff your company culture, and drive internal initiatives. Admins can use this interactive tool to create and deploy beautiful themes for end-users to enjoy in a matter of seconds. This feature is only available for Premium communities, so upgrade your Free community today. Check out the features available for September* and let us know what you think:

Read more on Feature Updates: September 2014…

from VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1xz7Wuy

Inside Shellshock: How hackers are using it to exploit systems


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1DXzWJR

Microsoft Unveils New Operating System, Dubbed Windows 10


from Hacker News http://wrd.cm/1DXzWJI

vCenter Operations Tech Tips: Tip#40 – Designing a Custom Storage Performance Dashboard using vCOps

Do you know what it takes to design a custom dashboard in VMware vCenter Operations Manager? If you ever wondered how big that deal is, this post will help you to achieve that. What you want for creating a custom dashboard (in this example a storage monitoring interactive dashboard) is a heat map dashboard with […]]> http://vmw.re/YJvMoj 0 vRealize Automation Improvements in NSX Security and Network Management http://vmw.re/1vvgIr0 http://vmw.re/YJvKwN Fri, 26 Sep 2014 11:00:45 +0000
Rebecca Smith

from VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1vvgK2g

Chinese gov fears Instagram, Europe vs. Google [Government IT News]

The Chinese government is cracking down on Instagram, fearing dissidents and food porn. Europe is once again telling Google how it feels, and the FBI is releasing software. Plus more gov news 'round the globe.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/YJxm9R

vCenter Operations Tech Tips: Tip#40 – Designing a Custom Storage Performance Dashboard using vCOps

Do you know what it takes to design a custom dashboard in VMware vCenter Operations Manager? If you ever wondered how big that deal is, this post will help you to achieve that. What you want for creating a custom dashboard (in this example a storage monitoring interactive dashboard) is a heat map dashboard with […]]> http://vmw.re/YJvMoj 0 vRealize Automation Improvements in NSX Security and Network Management http://vmw.re/1vvgIr0 http://vmw.re/YJvKwN Fri, 26 Sep 2014 11:00:45 +0000

The self-made man


from Hacker News http://slate.me/1tdnZax

The iPhone 6 Will Save the Internet of Things


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1tdnZaw

A brief history of CPAN


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1tdnZas

Looking for the Facebook of the pot industry


from Hacker News http://bbc.in/1tdnXiE

FBI collars alleged mobile spyware seller

The FBI has arrested a man in the US for allegedly selling StealthGenie.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/1qQIaZX

FBI releases Malware Investigator portal to industry players

The FBI has granted businesses access to a formerly in-house malware analysis tool called the Malware Investigator portal.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/1rB7pED

After China quizzes Apple on backdoors, iPhone 6 and 6 Plus go on sale

Following Chinese scrutiny over the security of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, Apple’s big new smartphones will go on sale in China on next month.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/1rB7mIW

Vuln: Linux Kernel CVE-2014-3185 'whiteheat.c' Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

Linux Kernel CVE-2014-3185 'whiteheat.c' Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

from SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities http://bit.ly/ZmZBfo

Vuln: Linux Kernel Magic Mouse HID Device Driver CVE-2014-3181 Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

Linux Kernel Magic Mouse HID Device Driver CVE-2014-3181 Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

from SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities http://bit.ly/1vrg7oo

Linearizability versus Serializability


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10ivSEF

Higher Education's Aristocrats


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10ivTIG

A digital collection of over 10,000 cylinder recordings


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10ivSnU

Apocalypse soon: the scientists preparing for the end times


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10ivS7v

Making of: draggable handles


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10ivRQY

Under Rainier’s crater, a natural laboratory like no other


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10ivRAw

When All Cigarette Packages Look the Same, Fewer People Buy Them


from Hacker News http://wapo.st/ZmUlbv

Color Decomposition


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/ZmUkV2

Programming a Problem-Oriented-Language by Chuck Moore


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1vrctLh

In Your Corner (YC S14) Hiring Senior Rails Engineer in NYC


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1uYLSVj

SwiftOnSecurity: A story about Jessica


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/ZmUiN3

Universal SSL: Be just a bit more patient


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1vrcte9

First Selfies, Now Shapies? Scanning Booths Capture the Moment in 3-D


from Hacker News http://bloom.bg/1vrcqis

3M wins NZ$80m monitoring contract with New Zealand government

3M will be providing the New Zealand Department of Corrections with electronic monitoring solutions to monitor a range of offenders who are in home detention, electronic bail, and community detention.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/1uYUB9T

Dragonfly/Havex Targeting Pharmaceutical Sector

While it's best-known for attacks on energy companies and use by Energetic Bear, Dragonfly malware is likely aimed at pharma companies.

from http://bit.ly/1uYPYwJ

Monday, September 29, 2014

In Your Corner (YC S14) Hiring Senior Rails Engineer in NYC


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rpmydx

Felicia, the Pipe-Cleaning Ferret of Fermilab (1971)


from Hacker News http://1.usa.gov/1rpmASt

EMC Area 52 - The Truth is Way Out There

EMC logo

EMC Area 52 is the top secret-ish show bringing you sneak peeks into the latest EMC & key partner emerging tech. http://bit.ly/1pnpMZh Tune in for previously unreleased “For-Eyes-Only”...

From: EMC

Views: 7

0 ratings

Time: 01:04 More in Science & Technology

via EMC Feeds http://bit.ly/1pnpMbD

EMC Area 52 - The Truth is Way Out There

EMC logo

EMC Area 52 is the top secret-ish show bringing you sneak peeks into the latest EMC & key partner emerging tech. http://bit.ly/1pnpMZh Tune in for previously unreleased “For-Eyes-Only”...

From: EMC

Views: 7

0 ratings

Time: 01:04 More in Science & Technology

via EMC Feeds http://bit.ly/1pnpMbD

Mozilla Brick


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10hUnSi

Judge Rules Against Grooveshark in Copyright Infringement Case


from Hacker News http://nyti.ms/1vqWKf3

Oracle Linux 5.11

Support for Oracle Linux 5.11 has been introduced for these products:

  • ESXi 5.0 Update 3, ESXi 5.1 Update 1, ESXi 5.1 Update 2, ESXi 5.5, ESXi 5.5 Update 1 and ESXi 5.5 Update 2

For more information about software and hardware support, please check the VMware Compatibility Guide

via VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1vqVZ5H

Oracle Linux 5.11

Support for Oracle Linux 5.11 has been introduced for these products: ESXi 5.0 Update 3, ESXi 5.1 Update 1, ESXi 5.1 Update 2, ESXi 5.5, ESXi 5.5 Update 1 and ESXi 5.5 Update 2 For more information about software and hardware support, please check the VMware Compatibility Guide

from VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1vqVZ5H

Student Mobile Workspace Demo Video

This video showcases the power of Citrix Student Mobile Workspaces,an always available, always connected, personalized environment that students, faculty and staff can take with them as they learn, work and study across devices, locations and networks.



from CitrixTV RSS Feed http://bit.ly/1qQ3Fdt

Build the Deeplink Search Engine for Developers with URX (YC S13)


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rAff1f

Telstra's national public Wi-Fi trial will be unsecured

Telstra's free trial of national Wi-Fi out to 1,000 sites by the end of this year will be on an unsecured public Wi-Fi network that will be less safe than the one the company ultimately brings in.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/1rGIWxX

'Anti-Facebook' platform Ello attracts thousands


from Hacker News http://bbc.in/1nCoP4n

The shockingly obsolete code of bash


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1uY1Y1k

Apple issues OS X patch for Shellshock

Apple has issued a software update to protect Macintosh computers from being bitten by a recently discovered Bash bug seen as a threat to internet-linked devices, but it does not fix all known Shellshock exploits.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/1vqFh6t

Why Peak-Oil Predictions Haven't Come True


from Hacker News http://on.wsj.com/1xvpyHE

Build Wars: Gulp vs. Grunt


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1uXNsqt

Number of the week: Mac OS X malware ‘visits’ an active Internet user at least 10 times a year

Kaspersky Lab experts have calculated the chances of a malicious program making it onto a Mac OS X device.

from http://bit.ly/1mIHFpE

The Head-Scratching Case of the Vanishing Bees


from Hacker News http://nyti.ms/1CBZiLM

新卒 SE 社員が贈る vSphere のキソ!第6回 ~vSphere でココまでできる!データ保護~


本稿では、Breakout セッション以外のVMworldの見所として、VMworld Partyについてご紹介してまいります。

■ VMworld Party

水曜日の夜は、VMworld Partyということで、モスコーンセンターのすぐ近くにあるイェルバ・ブエナ ガーデンズというモスコーンセンターのWESTと同じくらいの大きさの講演でPM7:00から開催されました。会場内では、筋肉系のエンターテイメントが実施されたり、かつらをかぶって記念撮影が出来たり、大きな画面でいろいろな映像を流したりしながら、ビールやワイン等のアルコールといろいろな軽食が取れるようになっています。


また、弊社CEOのPat GelsingerがEMCのCEOであるJoe Tucciからの指名によりアイス・バケツ・チャレンジも実施されました。こちらは、ご存知の方も多いかと思いますが、筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ALS)協会への寄付を募る活動で、氷水を頭からかぶるものになります。実施後弊社CEOが次に指名したかは残念ながら聞き取れませんでした。。。



■ ご注意
VMworld 2014速報ブログシリーズでは、USで開催されているVMworld 2014について現地から速報でお届けしています。発表時点での予定情報であり、本ブログに記載されている製品仕様やロードマップは将来予告無く変更になる可能性があります。

via VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1rzIz83

How often does a K-12 teacher thank you for coding? Find out at Clever (YC S12)


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1uxB8AW

How Hong Kong Protesters Are Connecting, Without Cell or Wi-Fi Networks


from Hacker News http://n.pr/1uxB6ZH

Metal by Example: Texture Mapping in 3D


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1uxB6ZC

Apple: Dark Value and Degrees of Monopoly in Global Commodity Chains [pdf]


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rxwe37

A Short History of the Executioner


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1uxB6Jj

Why Loggly Chose AWS Route 53 Over Elastic Load Balancing


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rxwdw2

Is Online Better Than Offline for Meeting Partners? Depends [pdf]


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1uxB8kd

Bugtraq: [The ManageOwnage Series, part V]: RCE / file upload / arbitrary file deletion in OpManager, Social IT and IT360

[The ManageOwnage Series, part V]: RCE / file upload / arbitrary file deletion in OpManager, Social IT and IT360

from SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities http://bit.ly/1voWm2K

Bugtraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 3038-1] libvirt security update

[SECURITY] [DSA 3038-1] libvirt security update

from SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities http://bit.ly/1rvBwvO

Bugtraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 3037-1] icedove security update

[SECURITY] [DSA 3037-1] icedove security update

from SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities http://bit.ly/1rvBu7e

Phishing Drops in August but Chinese Threat Remains

RSA claims attacks have fallen in volume

from http://bit.ly/1plMPnf

Malicious Shellshock Traffic Invades the Web

Attackers actively scanning for vulnerable machines, says FireEye

from http://bit.ly/1plMPn8

Hundreds of US Stores Affected as POS Provider is Hacked

Customers of over 300 restaurants may have had their card details stolen after Signature Systems breach

from http://bit.ly/1rxGsSf

Hacker News Leaderboard


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10di3qT

CloudFlare unveils Free SSL for everyone


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BveLKZ

Glaciers on Google Street View


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BveNCC

Can We Trust Uber?


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BveNmj

For Science: Does ZFS deduplication work on intros of TV shows?


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BveLe0

Tinholes – performant, strongly typed lenses in Clojure


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10di51U

Purely Functional 3D in Typed Racket [video]


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BveKXt

Is the search space of an optimization problem really that big?


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BveN5I

The manager and the moron (1967)


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10di4v7

On the Hunt for a Sprite on a Midsummer’s Night


from Hacker News http://nyti.ms/10di4uX

Interview with Terence Tao


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10di26r

Ardubracelet: My Bracelet Plays Tetris


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BveMyO

A new discovery about prime numbers and what it means for the future of math


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10di12l

Rosetta: Date fixed for historic comet landing attempt


from Hacker News http://bbc.in/10di1zn

Can you out-race a computer?


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10di1zg

Physicists create lasers that switch on and off at world record speed


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10di0LF

Something Borrowed, Something Blue


from Hacker News http://bzfd.it/1BveJD7

Hear from your industry peers at VMworld Europe!

VMworld US has been a resounding success this year and we are carrying the energy and momentum to VMworld Europe, set to kick-off on October 13th in Barcelona. While there will be multiple product sessions to talk about the latest advances in our technology, we also recognize that our customers want to see how […]]>

VMworld US has been a resounding success this year and we are carrying the energy and momentum to VMworld Europe, set to kick-off on October 13th in Barcelona. While there will be multiple product sessions to talk about the latest advances in our technology, we also recognize that our customers want to see how others in their industry have deployed our products and the benefits they achieved. To showcase our customersand to share industry best practices, we have a series of industry-oriented panel discussions at VMworld that will cover Healthcare, Education, Financial Services, Government, and Manufacturing/3D.

In these sessions, we will have customers come in and share their decision making process, business drivers, deployment details, and benefits they achieved through deployment of VMware’s end-user computing solutions, products, and technologies. This will be your chance to get firsthand information from peers in your industry:

  • EUC1620 – Solving today�s Education Industry Computing Challenges with VMware – Panel

  • EUC1905 – End User Computing Journey in Financial Services – Panel

  • EUC1836 – Providing Point of Care Solutions that Physicians will ask to use

  • EUC2416 – Securing the Government Infrastructure – Panel

  • EUC3102 – Tips and advice from Customers who implemented High Performance 3D Graphics Use Cases

  • EUC1997 – Horizon 6: Customer Reference Implementation – Healthcare

  • EUC2040 – Horizon: Customer Reference Implementation – Car Manufacturing

In addition to sharing best practices, this will be a wonderful opportunity to network with your peers in the industry! We look forward to seeing you at the event.

You can follow us live throughout the show and drop us a comment on Twitter or Facebook using the #vmworld hashtag!

from VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1sJxeF5

Our Cyborg Future: Law and Policy Implications


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10cMvS5

Where is the silicon in silicon valley?


from Hacker News http://ubm.io/1BuDtLw

Kaspersky Lab Appoints Peter Hewett as Managing Director, Asia Pacific

Kaspersky Lab announces the appointment of Peter Hewett to the position of Managing Director of Kaspersky Lab Asia Pacific.

from http://bit.ly/1Buf0WJ

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Glum Sign for Apple in China, as Smuggled iPhones Go Begging


from Hacker News http://nyti.ms/1DPPO0V

Shellshock protection enabled for all customers


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1DPPNKo

Suicide, a Crime of Loneliness


from Hacker News http://nyr.kr/1DPPNtN

Time is money! Accelerate your application, environment or storage system today....

EMC logo
Time is money! Accelerate your application, environment or storage system today. http://emc.im/1pwFQa0

via EMC Feeds http://bit.ly/1BtZF8E

Time is money! Accelerate your application, environment or storage system today....

EMC logo
Time is money! Accelerate your application, environment or storage system today. http://emc.im/1pwFQa0

via EMC Feeds http://bit.ly/1BtZF8E

Postgres full text search is good enough


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BtWzS7

When will alien life be proven?


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/10c8BUC

A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory (1982)


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1ta8bp0

Template Metaprogramming with Modern C++: templates in depth


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1ta8boO

Go 1.3.2 is broken on Windows


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1ta8b8t

Instagram blocked in China: Reports

Just over a week after Hong Kong residents took to the streets demanding full democracy for the city, social media site Instagram has been blocked across mainland China, according to reports.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/1qMwR59

Why Academics Stink at Writing


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1DPvxsr

PCC: Re-architecting Congestion Control for Consistent High Performance [pdf]


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1DPvv3R

Shellshock: Bash Bug 脆弱性について知っておくべきこと

新たに確認された脆弱性は、Linux、Unix、および Mac OS X の多くのバージョンに影響を与える可能性があるため、Web サーバーはリスクにさらされています。

from Symantec Connect - Security - Blog Entries http://bit.ly/Yzr78q

You Call This Thai Food? The Robotic Taster Will Be the Judge


from Hacker News http://nyti.ms/1DPpzaW

Hong Kong protest: Why are pro-democracy supporters staging a sit-in?


from Hacker News http://ind.pn/10bCx3l

With New Ad Platform, Facebook Opens Gates to Its Vault of User Data


from Hacker News http://nyti.ms/1BtrNZw

Mailgun downtime resulting from rackspace cloud server reboots


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BtlvJl

Prolog for the (semantic) web


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1Bt9hQY

Beauty of Testing


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1DOVBnn

Do work, track time, earn Bitcoins


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rwj5bK

Streaming JSON


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rwj7jN

F.C.C. Chairman Ponders Net Neutrality


from Hacker News http://nyti.ms/1CyYdo2

Unlocking the secrets of your poop


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1vkxkl6

RWDPerf – Performance testing for Responsive web design websites


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Yzto32

The downfall of Quora


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1Br0u20

Ask HN: Final year project in CS


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1qK2MDf

LibreSSL: More Than 30 Days Later


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Yw0d19

Ask HN: Where can I find technical co-founders?


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1sGpR10

Scheme Cross Reference Directory


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Yw0eSF

Perl's Problems


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/108j5nX

What's up with the number 163?


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/108j2IT

Machine learning is teaching us the secret to teaching


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BqEX9y

Privacy-focused Tails 1.1.2 Operating System Released

from The Hacker News http://bit.ly/1t83pbj

The Network of Programming Languages


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1vjOOOx

Apple Has Removed Launcher from the App Store


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1nqGP1u

The shockingly obsolete code of bash


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/107Uxf1

The Cult of Sharing


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1sFRCXE

KeyBox: Web-based SSH for OpenShift


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Yv1Iwx

Optimizing two memory allocators


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BpNB8t

One More Thing: Keyless SSL and CloudFlare's Growing Network


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BpNAS2

A list of alternate domains that point to mailinator.com


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/YxiY48

Building OS X Apps with JavaScript


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/YxiXNp

fish shell 2.1.1 (Security fixes)


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1npgLni

California blue whales, once nearly extinct, are back at historic levels


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/YukK6c

What will we do if the system can no longer create jobs?


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1np6hnY

Mystery Man Who Moves Japanese Markets Made More Than 1M Trades


from Hacker News http://buswk.co/1np6ffX

The Woman with the Bionic Eye


from Hacker News http://theatln.tc/1np6eZr

Citizen Hackers Tinker with Medical Devices


from Hacker News http://on.wsj.com/106Shoe

Yahoo is killing off the Yahoo Directory


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Ywui09

A Virginia hacker catches the attention of federal law enforcement


from Hacker News http://wapo.st/1noOEoj

An Algorithm That Decodes the Surface of the Earth


from Hacker News http://wrd.cm/YwukFk

Why the Facebook Experiment Is Lousy Social Science


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Ywuhtc

Did the Vikings Get a Bum Rap?


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1noOAVM

The Logistics of Scientific Growth in the 21st Century


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1noOD3L

Bestiary of Intelligence Writing (1982) [pdf]


from Hacker News http://1.usa.gov/1noOCNa

The Mysterious Children with Green Skin


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Ywug8F

Show HN: Wibe – Watch relevant videos for anything you search


from Hacker News http://letswibe.com

Saturday, September 27, 2014

How the Man Who Wired Facebook Helped Build the NFL Stadium of the Future


from Hacker News http://wrd.cm/1BoX53K

Raising Capital: The Advice Andreessen Horowitz Gives Its Founders


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1noqUkj

This Tech Giant Saw the Future. Then Google Put It Out of Business


from Hacker News http://wrd.cm/1noqWsj

PKCS#1 signature validation


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1noqWbM

How does SQLite work? Part 1: pages


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1no8QGZ

Ask HN: Who's taking Interns?


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1CwFPMx

Inside the Starbucks at CIA HQ


from Hacker News http://wapo.st/1xrouVe

Area programmer lament designers don’t use the same tools he does


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1BoxXKC

Material Design for Bootstrap


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Ytl5WT

The Definitive Guide to Syntax Highlighting


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Ytl3yi

I built a custom keyboard for iOS 8


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Yv9ExD

A full VM implemented and tested with Python


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1DKo0ec

Opus beats all other lossy audio codecs. Again


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1DKnZHr

M/S Estonia accident radio transcript


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rBijuq

Show HN: Deebrief, a better way to comment on YouTube videos


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1nmF7Ox

IBM Security Bulletin: Open Source Tomcat vulnerabilities in May 2014 X-Force Report (CVE-2014-0075, CVE-2014-0099) for RAF

Previous releases of IBM Rational Automation Framework (RAF) are affected by the vulnerabilities in Apache Tomcat that may allow remote attackers to influence the availability of the Framework Server. CVE(s): CVE-2014-0075 and CVE-2014-0099 ...

from IBM Product Security Incident Response Team http://ibm.co/1BlLh2c

IBM Security Bulletin: Cognos Planning 10.1.1 FP3 is affected by the following OpenSSL vulnerabilities: CVE-2014-0224, CVE-2014-0221, CVE-2014-0195, CVE-2014-3470

Security vulnerabilities have been discovered in OpenSSL that were reported on June 5, 2014 by the OpenSSL Project. CVE(s): CVE-2014-0224 , CVE-2014-0221 , CVE-2014-0195 and CVE-2014-3470 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): ...

from IBM Product Security Incident Response Team http://ibm.co/1BlLfYj

IBM Security Bulletin: Two security vulnerabilities exist in the IBM Java Runtime Environment that is shipped in TPF Toolkit 4.2

Two security vulnerabilities exist in the IBM Java Runtime Environment that is shipped in TPF Toolkit 4.2 CVE(s): CVE-2014-0453 and CVE-2014-4263 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): TPF Toolkit 4.2.0 Refer to...

from IBM Product Security Incident Response Team http://ibm.co/1037uqt

IBM Security Bulletin: A security vulnerability has been identified in IBM Decision Optimization Center (CVE-2014-4263)

IBM Decision Optimization Center is affected by one of the Java SE issues disclosed in the Oracle July 2014 Critical Patch Update (CVE-2014-4263) CVE(s): CVE-2014-4263 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): IBM Decision...

from IBM Product Security Incident Response Team http://ibm.co/1037rLg

IBM Security Bulletin: A security vulnerability has been identified in IBM CPLEX Enterprise Server (CVE-2014-4263)

IBM CPLEX Enterprise Server is affected by one of the Java SE issues disclosed in the Oracle July 2014 Critical Patch Update (CVE-2014-4263). CVE(s): CVE-2014-4263 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): IBM CPLEX Enterprise...

from IBM Product Security Incident Response Team http://ibm.co/1BlLfHE

IBM Security Bulletin: A vulnerability in IBM Java SDK affects Rational Application Developer for WebSphere (CVE-2014-4263)

There is a vulnerability in IBM SDK Java Technology Edition, Versions 5, 6, and 7 that is used by Rational Application Developer for WebSphere. This issue was disclosed as part of the IBM Java SDK updates in July 2014. CVE(s): CVE-2014-4263 ...

from IBM Product Security Incident Response Team http://ibm.co/1037ruF

IBM Security Bulletin: A vulnerability in IBM Java SDK affects Rational Application Developer for WebSphere (CVE-2014-0453)

There is a vulnerability in IBM SDK Java Technology Edition, Versions 5, 6, and 7 that is used by Rational Application Developer for WebSphere. This issue was disclosed as part of the IBM Java SDK updates in April 2014. CVE(s): CVE-2014-0453 ...

from IBM Product Security Incident Response Team http://ibm.co/1BlLfas

⚠ Be careful with unicode ⚠


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1031k9O

CVE-2014-6271 Proof of Concept Collection Repo


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1031lKE

Celebrating CloudFlare's 4th Birthday


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1DI15Am

C++11 use in Chromium


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Ypr9j1

Show HN: Node.js turn a connect middleware into a runtime modifiable middleware


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Ypr92x

The Last Question – Isaac Asimov


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Ypr7rB

Find your Twitter friends and followers on ello.co


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/102j5G7

Signaling Post-Snowden Era, New iPhone Locks Out N.S.A


from Hacker News http://nyti.ms/1nhZ60I

Walter Isaacson on the women of ENIAC


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rzRSoM

USN-2364-1: Bash vulnerabilities

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-2364-1

27th September, 2014

bash vulnerabilities

A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

  • Ubuntu 10.04 LTS


Several security issues were fixed in Bash.

Software description

  • bash - GNU Bourne Again SHell


Florian Weimer and Todd Sabin discovered that the Bash parser incorrectly

handled memory. An attacker could possibly use this issue to bypass certain

environment restrictions and execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2014-7186,


In addition, this update introduces a hardening measure which adds prefixes

and suffixes around environment variable names which contain shell


Update instructions

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following package version:

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:

bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.4

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS:

bash 4.2-2ubuntu2.5

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS:

bash 4.1-2ubuntu3.4

To update your system, please follow these instructions: http://bit.ly/1aJDvTw.

In general, a standard system update will make all the necessary changes.


CVE-2014-7186, CVE-2014-7187

from Ubuntu Security Notices http://bit.ly/101MX5D

Microsoft’s Cube debuts at Decibel, creating a one-of-a-kind digital dance party


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/Yp5Xta

Google Science Fair 2014 winners


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1DH4nUm

Complex Step Differentiation


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1DH4nE2

Automasymbolic Differentiation


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1DH4kIp

It is not a bash bug, it is an Apache bug (and DHCP, etc)


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1piF6q0

On building portable Linux binaries


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1vdKlNq

Apple — Most Mac OS X Users Not Vulnerable to 'Shellshock' Bash Bug

from The Hacker News http://bit.ly/1nh4iCa

Cosmos Browser – A text-message-based web browser. Now on Android


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1vdGIXS

Talkray (YC W12) Is Hiring Software Engineers in Redwood City


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1vdGGPG

Finger extension for large phone screens


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1piDfRV

A quantitative analysis of the graying of Barack Obama's hair


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1vdyY89

Hackers Using 'Shellshock' Bash Vulnerability to Launch Botnet Attacks

Researchers on Thursday discovered a critical remotely exploitable vulnerability in the widely used command-line shell GNU Bourne Again Shell (Bash), dubbed "Shellshock" which affects most of the Linux distributions and servers worldwide, and may already have been exploited in the wild to take over Web servers as part of a botnet that is currently trying to infect other servers as well.

from The Hacker News http://bit.ly/1t3UgAx

Friday, September 26, 2014

Food waste is an incredible and absurd issue for the world today


from Hacker News http://wapo.st/1CuFjyB

Cloud Server Reboots


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1ngitat

Who's afraid of bromine?


from Hacker News http://bbc.in/1ngisDt

What the Tortoise Said to Achilles (1895)


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1ngiqeP

Curses, Fooled Again


from Hacker News http://nyti.ms/1ngin2Q

PostgreSQL Outperforms MongoDB in New Round of Tests


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/YobHUb

The Shirky Principle (2010)


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1pihXUt

SK Telecom Agrees to Acquire Shopkick


from Hacker News http://on.wsj.com/100zpas

The Creation of EasyWriter


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/100zoU0

Student Course Evaluations Get an 'F'


from Hacker News http://n.pr/1t3B7yO

Clojure Distilled


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/100kBbP

New app by Secret: Ping


from Hacker News http://iamping.com/

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus not as bendy as believed


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1uOtajc

For Shanghai Jobs, Only ‘Normal Size’ Need Apply


from Hacker News http://nyti.ms/1uOtaj5

Enterprise mobility news recap: Sept. 22 – 29


Enterprise mobility news recap: Sept. 22 – 29

It�s been another busy week for enterprise mobility. Here�s a quick summary of this week in tech news: The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus have been hot topics since Apple�s announcement, given their sleek and thin design. In the mobile world, people are always staying close to their phone – though TechCrunch reports that lately, […]]> http://vmw.re/YmQgmN 0 VMware’s Socialcast now integrates with AirWatch to simplify mobile application deployment http://vmw.re/1rzgpud http://vmw.re/YmQgD3 Wed, 24 Sep 2014 20:41:30 +0000

from VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1rzgnm7

Go generate: A proposal for a Go preprocessor


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1vceTPM

Attackers scan for Shellshock Bash targets

Within hours of the Shellshock Bash vulnerability emerging, attackers were actively scanning web servers and launching attacks.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/1Bj6fPi

Soylent (YC S12) Is Hiring Engineers (Full-Stack, Database, and More)


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/YmEM27

Deploying Go servers with docker


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1ne74rX

Quit Covering Up Your Toxic Hellstew with Docker


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1vmyVVK

US Banks Get Serious on Security Information Sharing

New JV Soltra will develop threat intelligence products to help in the cybercrime fight

from http://bit.ly/1swPiC2

HFT in my backyard – II


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1t1Ge2D

The Days They Changed the Gauge (1966)


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1xp7Ghz

Vuln: Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2014-4067 Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability

Microsoft Internet Explorer CVE-2014-4067 Remote Memory Corruption Vulnerability

from SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities http://bit.ly/1rxxdSv

The Boletos Fraud: An Online Threat to Offline Users

Kaspersky Lab researcher Fabio Assolini presented his investigation into the Boletos malware threat, a widespread financial fraud campaign targeting Brazilian users, at the Virus Bulletin conference.

from http://bit.ly/1Csn2BW

Apple’s New iPhone 6 TouchID Hacked, as Usual

Researchers find little change from iPhone 5

from http://bit.ly/1rjwGo4

China Hosts Infosecurity Show as Xiaomi Gets Another Drilling

Beijing’s latest PR efforts lost on the lost Republic of China

from http://bit.ly/YhV6BN

How Chris McCandless Died


from Hacker News http://nyr.kr/YgQyLo

Captain Crunch needs your help


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rxpS5d

Airware (YC W13) is hiring SF engineers to work with commercial drones


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/YhARUB

Cognitive Artificial Intelligence: The MicroPsi Project


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/ZVgmOD

Show HN: Illookinati.js - make DOM elements look at your cursor


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/ZVgkX9

Vodafone reveals plan to retain customers' browsing history

Vodafone Australia is working on rolling out a system that will record customers' web-browsing IP history for up to 90 days, as the government moves to compel telcos to hold onto users' metadata for up to two years.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/1rj21Ht

Thursday, September 25, 2014

What does SELinux do to contain the the bash exploit?


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1riOQ9k

Exploiting Bash Remote Code Execution Vulnerability


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/YhdKcQ

Introducing the Post-it Plus App


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1riOPlY

India's Mars mission: Picture that spoke 1,000 words


from Hacker News http://bbc.in/1v7cztb

Exotic optics: Metamaterial world


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1v76o8m

Fireside chat with Soni Jiandani and Sunil Potti

Listen to this casual conversation between Sunil Potti, VP/GM Citrix and Soni Jiandani, SVP Cisco on Cisco ACI and Citrix NetScaler, past present and future



from CitrixTV RSS Feed http://bit.ly/1sw5off

CVE-2014-6271 BASH 2nd Patch Fixes New Vulnerabilities


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/YgTqID

Docker is the Heroku Killer


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/YgTqsc

Meteor 0.9.3: Packaging updates and improvements


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/YgTqbv

Soni Jiandani, SVP Cisco on ACI and NetScaler

A short video by Soni Jiandani, SVP of Cisco's ACI division talking about the strategic partnership between Cisco and Citrix



from CitrixTV RSS Feed http://bit.ly/1vlFGbg

Deep learning and Speech recognition at Wit.ai


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1v6Uhs0

Microsoft Azure price reductions


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/YgMjjm

Corporate Life – Over and Out


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1v6UjjF

USN-2363-2: Bash vulnerability

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-2363-2

25th September, 2014

bash vulnerability

A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


Bash allowed bypassing environment restrictions in certain environments.

Software description

  • bash - GNU Bourne Again SHell


USN-2363-1 fixed a vulnerability in Bash. Due to a build issue, the patch

for CVE-2014-7169 didn't get properly applied in the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

package. This update fixes the problem.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Original advisory details:

Tavis Ormandy discovered that the security fix for Bash included in

USN-2362-1 was incomplete. An attacker could use this issue to bypass

certain environment restrictions. (CVE-2014-7169)

Update instructions

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following package version:

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:

bash 4.3-7ubuntu1.3

To update your system, please follow these instructions: http://bit.ly/1aJDvTw.

In general, a standard system update will make all the necessary changes.



from Ubuntu Security Notices http://bit.ly/YfeHlJ

One-stop shop for cybercrime set up

Internet users will soon to be able to report a cybercrime to the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network that is being setup by police information agency Crimtrac.

from Latest Topic for ZDNet in Security http://zd.net/1BdTzt1

Easy, realtime, system-wide Shellshock monitoring


from Hacker News http://bit.ly/1rwVPdS

GNU Bash Environmental Variable Command Injection Vulnerability

On September 24, 2014, a vulnerability in the Bash shell was publicly announced. The vulnerability is related to the way in which shell functions are passed though environment variables. The vulnerability may allow an attacker to inject commands into a Bash shell, depending on how the shell is invoked. The Bash shell may be invoked by a number of processes including, but not limited to, telnet, SSH, DHCP, and scripts hosted on web servers.

All versions of GNU Bash starting with version 1.14 are affected by this vulnerability and the specific impact is determined by the characteristics of the process using the Bash shell. In the worst case, an unauthenticated remote attacker would be able to execute commands on an affected server. However, in most cases involving Cisco products, exploitation of the vulnerability results in an authenticated attacker having the ability to execute commands for which they are not authorized.

A number of Cisco products ship with or leverage an affected version of the Bash shell. This advisory will be updated as additional information becomes available. Cisco may release free software updates that address this vulnerability if a product is determined to be affected by this vulnerability. This advisory is available at the following link:


from Cisco Security Advisory http://bit.ly/1n57uAI

VMAX3 in 3D - The Industry's First Enterprise Data Service Platform

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www.emc.com/vmax3 Learn about EMC's brand new addition to the VMAX family - The VMAX3 redefines enterprise storage with the industry's first enterprise data service platform. Take an...

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VMAX3 in 3D - The Industry's First Enterprise Data Service Platform

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www.emc.com/vmax3 Learn about EMC's brand new addition to the VMAX family - The VMAX3 redefines enterprise storage with the industry's first enterprise data service platform. Take an...

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