Sunday, November 3, 2019

Kotlin𝛁: A shape-safe DSL for differentiable programming

Kotlin𝛁: Type-safe Symbolic Differentiation for Kotlin

Kotlin𝛁 is a framework for type-safe automatic differentiation in Kotlin. It allows users to express differentiable programs with higher-dimensional data structures and operators. We attempt to restrict syntactically valid constructions to those which are algebraically valid and can be checked at compile-time. By enforcing these constraints in the type system, it eliminates certain classes of runtime errors that may occur during the execution of a differentiable program. Due to type-inference in the language, most types may be safely omitted by the end user. Kotlin𝛁 strives to be expressive, safe, and notationally similar to mathematics. It is currently pre-release and offers no stability guarantees at this time.

Table of contents


Inspired by Stalin∇, Autograd, DiffSharp, Myia, Nexus, Tangent, Lantern et al., Kotlin𝛁 attempts to port recent advancements in automatic differentiation (AD) to the Kotlin language. AD is useful for gradient descent and has a variety of applications in numerical optimization and machine learning. It also adds a number of experimental ideas, including compile-time shape-safety, algebraic expression rewriting and numerical stability checking with property-based testing. We aim to provide an algebraically-grounded implementation of AD for shape-safe tensor operations. Tensors in Kotlin𝛁 are represented as multidimensional arrays.


Kotlin𝛁 currently supports the following features:

  • Arithmetical operations on scalars, vectors and matrices
  • Shape-safe vector and matrix algebra
  • Partial and higher-order differentiation on scalars
  • Property-based testing for numerical gradient checking
  • Recovery of symbolic derivatives from AD

Additionally, it aims to support:

All of these features are implemented without access to bytecode or special compiler tricks - just using higher-order functions and lambdas as shown in Lambda the Ultimate Backpropogator, embedded DSLs a la Lightweight Modular Staging, and ordinary generics. See below for a more detailed feature comparison.



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Gradle users should write their GPR credentials to the ~/.gradle/ file as follows:


Ensure GRADLE_USER_HOME points to ~/.gradle. Then add a repository and dependency to the build.gradle.kts file:

repositories { maven("") { credentials { username =["gpr.user"] as String? password =["gpr.key"] as String? } } } dependencies { implementation("edu.umontreal:kotlingrad:<VERSION>") }

Finally, run gradle dependencies to ensure the requested dependency can be downloaded.

For additional help, please refer to the GPR Gradle configuration instructions.


Maven users should refer to these instructions.


Kotlin𝛁 operators are higher-order functions, which take at most two inputs and return a single output, all of which are functions with the same numerical type, and whose shape is denoted using superscript in the rightmost column below.

Math Infix Prefix Postfix Operator Type Signature
A(B) a(b) (a: ℝτ→ℝπ, b: ℝλ → ℝτ) → (ℝλ → ℝπ)
A + B a + b
plus(a, b) (a: ℝτ→ℝπ, b: ℝλ → ℝπ) → (ℝ?→ ℝπ)
A - B a - b
minus(a, b) (a: ℝτ→ℝπ, b: ℝλ → ℝπ) → (ℝ?→ℝπ)
A B a * b
times(a, b) (a: ℝτ→ℝm×n, b: ℝλ→ℝn×p) → (ℝ?→ℝm×p)
A / B§
A B⁻¹
a / b
div(a, b) (a: ℝτ→ℝm×n, b: ℝλ→ℝp×n) → (ℝ?→ℝm×p)
(a: ℝτ→ℝπ) → (ℝτ→ℝπ)
A + 1
A - 1
a + one
a - one
(a: ℝτ→ℝm×m) → (ℝτ→ℝm×m)
(a: ℝ→ℝ) → (ℝ→ℝ)
ln(A) ln(a)
(a: ℝτ→ℝm×m) → (ℝτ→ℝm×m)
logb(A) a.log(b) log(a, b) (a: ℝτ→ℝm×m, b: ℝλ→ℝm×m) → (ℝ?→ℝ)
Ab a.pow(b) pow(a, b) (a: ℝτ→ℝm×m, b: ℝλ→ℝ) → (ℝ?→ℝm×m)
(a: ℝτ→ℝm×m) → (ℝ→ℝm×m)
a.d(b) grad(a)[b] d(a) / d(b) (a: C(ℝm)*, b: ℝ→ℝ) → (ℝm→ℝ)
∇a grad(a) a.grad() (a: C(ℝm)*) → (ℝm→ℝm)

More concretely, ℝ can be a Double, Float or BigDecimal. Specialized operators defined for subsets of ℝ, e.g. Int, Short or BigInteger for subsets of ℤ, however differentiation is only defined for continuous functions on ℝ.

a and b are higher-order functions. These may be constants (e.g. 0, 1.0), variables (e.g. Var("x")) or expressions (e.g. x + 1, 2 * x + y).

For infix notation, . is optional. Parentheses are also optional depending on precedence.

§ Matrix division is defined iff B is invertible, although it could be possible to redefine this operator using the Moore-Penrose inverse.

Where C(ℝm) is the space of all continuous functions 𝑓 : ℝm→ℝ. If the function is not over ℝ, it will fail at compile-time. If the function is over ℝ but not continuous differentiable at the point under consideration, it will fail at runtime.

? While it would be nice to infer a combined input type λ∪τ for binary functions, it is likely impossible using the Kotlin type system. Otherwise, if the user desires compile-time shape-safety when invoking higher order functions with literal values, they will need to specify the combined input type explicitly, or wait for a runtime exception.

τ, λ Arbitrarily shaped tensors.

Shape Safety

Shape safety is an important concept in Kotlin𝛁. There are three broad strategies for handling shape errors:

  • Hide the error somehow by implicitly reshaping or broadcasting arrays
  • Announce the error at runtime, with a relevant message, e.g. InvalidArgumentError
  • Do not allow programs which can result in a shape error to compile

In Kotlin𝛁, we use the last strategy to check the shape of tensor operations. Consider the following program:

// Inferred type: Vec<Double, `2`> val a = Vec(1.0, 2.0) // Inferred type: Vec<Double, `3`> val b = Vec(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) val c = b + b // Does not compile, shape mismatch // a + b

Attempting to sum two vectors whose shapes do not match will fail to compile, and they must be explicitly resized.

// Inferred type: Mat<Double, `1`, `4`> val a = Mat1x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) // Inferred type: Mat<Double, `4`, `1`> val b = Mat4x1(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) val c = a * b // Does not compile, inner dimension mismatch // a * a // b * b

Similarly, attempting to multiply two matrices whose inner dimensions do not match will fail to compile.

val a = Mat2x4( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 ) val b = Mat4x2( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 ) // Types are optional, but encouraged val c: Mat<Double, `2`, `2`> = a * b val d = Mat2x1(1.0, 2.0) val e = c * d val f = Mat3x1(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) // Does not compile, inner dimension mismatch // e * f

Explicit types are optional but encouraged. Type inference helps preserve shape information over long programs.

fun someMatFun(m: Mat<Double, `3`, `1`>): Mat<Double, `3`, `3`> = ... fun someMatFun(m: Mat<Double, `2`, `2`>) = ...

When writing a function, it is mandatory to declare the input type(s), but the return type may be omitted. Shape-safety is currently supported up to rank-2 tensors, i.e. matrices.

Variable Capture

Kotlin𝛁 provides a DSL with support for type-safe variable capture with variadic currying. Consider the following example:

val q = X + Y * Z + Y + 0.0 val p0 = q(X to 1.0, Y to 2.0, Z to 3.0) // Name resolution val p1 = q(X to 1.0, Y to 1.0)(Z to 1.0) // Variadic currying val p3 = q(Z to 1.0)(X to 1.0, Y to 1.0) // Any order is possible val p4 = q(Z to 1.0)(X to 1.0)(Y to 1.0) // Proper currying val p5 = q(Z to 1.0)(X to 1.0) // Returns a partially applied function val p6 = (X + Z + 0)(Y to 1.0) // Does not compile

For further details, please refer to the implementation.


The following example shows how to derive higher-order partials of a function z of type ℝ²→ℝ:

import edu.umontreal.kotlingrad.numerical.DoublePrecision @Suppress("NonAsciiCharacters", "LocalVariableName") fun main() { with(DoublePrecision) { val x = Var("x") val y = Var("y") val z = x * (-sin(x * y) + y) * 4 // Infix notation val `∂z∕∂x` = d(z) / d(x) // Leibniz notation val `∂z∕∂y` = d(z) / d(y) // Partial derivatives val `∂²z∕∂x²` = d(`∂z∕∂x`) / d(x) // Higher order derivatives val `∂²z∕∂x∂y` = d(`∂z∕∂x`) / d(y) // Higher order partials val `∇z` = z.grad() // Gradient operator val values = mapOf(x to 0, y to 1) val indVar = z.variables.joinToString(", ") print("z($indVar) \t\t\t= $z\n" + "z($values) \t\t\t= ${z(values)}\n" + "∂z($values)/∂x \t\t= $`∂z∕∂x` \n\t\t\t\t= " + `∂z∕∂x`(values) + "\n" + "∂z($values)/∂y \t\t= $`∂z∕∂y` \n\t\t\t\t= " + `∂z∕∂y`(values) + "\n" + "∂²z($values)/∂x² \t\t= $`∂z∕∂y` \n\t\t\t\t= " + `∂²z∕∂x²`(values) + "\n" + "∂²z($values)/∂x∂y \t\t= $`∂²z∕∂x∂y` \n\t\t\t\t= " + `∂²z∕∂x∂y`(values) + "\n" + "∇z($values) \t\t\t= $`∇z` \n\t\t\t\t= [${`∇z`[x]!!(values)}, ${`∇z`[y]!!(values)}]ᵀ") } }

Any backticks and unicode characters above are simply for readability and have no effect on the behavior. Running this program via ./gradlew HelloKotlinGrad should print:

z(x, y) = x * (-sin(x * y) + y) * 4 z({x=0, y=1}) = 0.0 ∂z({x=0, y=1})/∂x = (-sin(x * y) + y - x * cos(x * y) * y) * 4 = 4.0 ∂z({x=0, y=1})/∂y = x * (1 - cos(x * y) * x) * 4 = 0.0 ∂²z({x=0, y=1})/∂x² = x * (1 - cos(x * y) * x) * 4 = -8.0 ∂²z({x=0, y=1})/∂x∂y = (-x * (-sin(x * y) * x * y + cos(x * y)) + 1 - cos(x * y) * x) * 4 = 4.0 ∇z({x=0, y=1}) = {x=(-sin(x * y) + y - x * cos(x * y) * y) * 4, y=x * (1 - cos(x * y) * x) * 4} = [4.0, 0.0]ᵀ 


To generate the above plot, run ./gradlew Plot2D.

Plotting is also possible in higher dimensions, for example in 3D via ./gradlew Plot3D (no other libraries requried):


To run the tests, execute: ./gradlew test

Kotlin𝛁 claims to eliminate certain runtime errors, but how do we know the proposed implementation is not incorrect? One method, borrowed from the Haskell community, is called property-based testing (PBT), closely related to metamorphic testing. Notable implementations include QuickCheck, Hypothesis and ScalaTest (ported to Kotlin in KotlinTest). PBT uses algebraic properties to verify the result of an operation by constructing semantically equivalent but syntactically distinct expressions, which should produce the same answer. Kotlin𝛁 uses two such equivalences to validate its AD implementation:

For example, consider the following test, which checks whether the analytical derivative and the automatic derivative, when evaluated at a given point, are equal to each other within the limits of numerical precision:

val x = Var("x") val y = Var("y") val z = y * (sin(x * y) - x) // Function under test val `∂z∕∂x` = d(z) / d(x) // Automatic derivative val manualDx = y * (cos(x * y) * y - 1) // Analytical derivative  "∂z/∂x should be y * (cos(x * y) * y - 1)" { NumericalGenerator.assertAll { ẋ, ẏ -> // Evaluate the results at a given seed val autoEval = `∂z∕∂x`(x to ẋ, y to ẏ) val manualEval = manualDx(x to ẋ, y to ẏ) // Should pass iff Δ(adEval, manualEval) < Ɛ autoEval shouldBeApproximately manualEval } }

PBT will search the input space for two numerical values and , which violate the specification, then "shrink" them to discover pass-fail boundary values. We can construct a similar test using finite differences:

"d(sin x)/dx should be equal to (sin(x + dx) - sin(x)) / dx" { NumericalGenerator.assertAll { ẋ -> val f = sin(x) val `df∕dx` = d(f) / d(x) val adEval = `df∕dx`(ẋ) val dx = 1E-8 // Since ẋ is a raw numeric type, sin => kotlin.math.sin val fdEval = (sin(ẋ + dx) - sin(ẋ)) / dx adEval shouldBeApproximately fdEval } }

Above, we compare numerical errors for three types of computational differentiation: (1) finite precision automatic differentiation (AD), (2) finite precision symbolic differentiation (SD) and (3) finite precision finite differences (FD) against infinite precision symbolic differentiation (IP). AD and SD both exhibit relative errors (i.e. with respect to each other) several orders of magnitude lower than their absolute errors (i.e. with respect to IP), which roughly agree to within numerical precision. As expected, FD exhibits numerical error significantly higher than AD and SD due to the inaccuracy of floating point division.

There are many other ways to independently verify the numerical gradient, such as dual numbers or the complex step derivative. Another method is to compare the numerical output against a well-known implementation, such as TensorFlow. We plan to conduct a more thorough comparison of numerical accuracy and performance.


To understand the core of Kotlin𝛁's AD implementation, please refer to the toy example.

This project relies on a few Kotlin-native language features, which together enable a concise, flexible and type-safe user interface. The following features have proven beneficial to the development of Kotlin𝛁:

Operator overloading

Operator overloading enables concise notation for arithmetic on abstract types, where the types encode algebraic structures, e.g. Group, Ring, and Field. These abstractions are extensible to other kinds of mathematical structures, such as complex numbers and quaternions.

For example, suppose we have an interface Group, which overloads the operators + and *, and is defined like so:

interface Group<T: Group<T>> { operator fun plus(addend: T): T operator fun times(multiplicand: T): T }

Here, we specify a recursive type bound using a method known as F-bounded quantification to ensure that operations return the concrete type variable T, rather than something more abstract like Group. Imagine a class Expr which has implemented Group. It can be used as follows:

fun <T: Group<T>> cubed(t: T): T = t * t * t fun <E: Expr<E>> twiceExprCubed(e: E): E = cubed(e) + cubed(e)

Like Python, Kotlin supports overloading a limited set of operators, which are evaluated using a fixed precedence. In the current version of Kotlin𝛁, operators do not perform any computation, they simply construct a directed acyclic graph representing the symbolic expression. Expressions are only evaluated when invoked as a function.

First-class functions

With higher-order functions and lambdas, Kotlin treats functions as first-class citizens. This allows us to represent mathematical functions and programming functions with the same underlying abstractions (typed FP). A number of recent papers have demonstrated the expressiveness of this paradigm for automatic differentiation.

In Kotlin𝛁, all expressions can be treated as functions. For example:

fun <T: Group<T>> makePoly(x: Var<T>, y: Var<T>) = x * y + y * y + x * x val x: Var<Double> = Var() val y: Var<Double> = Var() val f = makePoly(x, y) val z = f(1.0, 2.0) // Returns a value println(z) // Prints: 7

Currently, it is only possible to represent functions where all inputs and outputs share a single type. In future iterations, it is possible to extend support for building functions with varying input/output types and enforce constraints on both, using covariant and contravariant type bounds.


Coroutines are a generalization of subroutines for non-preemptive multitasking, typically implemented using continuations. One form of continuation, known as shift-reset a.k.a. delimited continuations, are sufficient for implementing reverse mode AD with operator overloading alone (without any additional data structures) as described by Wang et al. in Shift/Reset the Penultimate Backpropagator and later in Backpropagation with Continuation Callbacks. Delimited continuations can be implemented using Kotlin coroutines and would be an interesting extension to this work. Please stay tuned!

Extension Functions

Extension functions augment external classes with new fields and methods. Via context oriented programming, Kotlin𝛁 can expose its custom extensions (e.g. in DoublePrecision) to consumers without requiring subclasses or inheritance.

data class Const<T: Group<T>>(val number: Double) : Expr() data class Sum<T: Group<T>>(val e1: Expr, val e2: Expr) : Expr() data class Prod<T: Group<T>>(val e1: Expr, val e2: Expr) : Expr() class Expr<T: Group<T>>: Group<Expr<T>> { operator fun plus(addend: Expr<T>) = Sum(this, addend) operator fun times(multiplicand: Expr<T>) = Prod(this, multiplicand) } object DoubleContext { operator fun Number.times(expr: Expr<Double>) = Const(toDouble()) * expr }

Now, we can use the context to define another extension, Expr.multiplyByTwo, which computes the product inside a DoubleContext, using the operator overload we defined above:

fun Expr<Double>.multiplyByTwo() = with(DoubleContext) { 2 * this } // Uses `*` operator in DoubleContext

Extensions can also be defined in another file or context and imported on demand.

Algebraic data types

Algebraic data types (ADTs) in the form of sealed classes (a.k.a. sum types) facilitate a limited form of pattern matching over a closed set of subclasses. When matching against subclasses of a sealed class, the compiler forces the author to provide an exhaustive control flow over all concrete subtypes of an abstract class. Consider the following classes:

class Const<T: Fun<T>>(val number: Number) : Fun<T>() class Sum<T: Fun<T>>(val left: Fun<T>, val right: Fun<T>) : Fun<T>() class Prod<T: Fun<T>>(val left: Fun<T>, val right: Fun<T>) : Fun<T>() class Var<T: Fun<T>>: Fun<T>() { override val variables: Set<Var<X>> = setOf(this) } class Zero<T: Fun<T>>: Const<T>(0.0) class One<T: Fun<T>>: Const<T>(1.0)

When branching on the type of a sealed class, consumers must explicitly handle every case, since incomplete control flow will not compile rather than fail silently at runtime. Let us now consider a simplified definition of Fun, a sealed class which defines the behavior of function invocation and differentiation, using a restricted form of pattern matching. It can be constructed with a set of Vars, and can be invoked with a numerical value:

sealed class Fun<X: Fun<X>>(open val variables: Set<Var<X>> = emptySet()): Group<Fun<X>> { constructor(vararg fns: Fun<X>): this(fns.flatMap { it.variables }.toSet()) // Since the subclasses of Fun are a closed set, no `else -> ...` is required. operator fun invoke(map: Map<Var<X>, X>): Fun<X> = when (this) { is Const -> this is Var -> map.getOrElse(this) { this } // Partial application is permitted is Prod -> left(map) * right(map) // Smart casting implicitly casts after checking is Sum -> left(map) + right(map) } fun d(variable: Var<X>): Fun<X> = when(this) { is Const -> Zero is Var -> if (variable == this) One else Zero // Product rule: d(u*v)/dx = du/dx * v + u * dv/dx is Prod -> left.d(variable) * right + left * right.d(variable) is Sum -> left.d(variable) + right.d(variable) } operator fun plus(addend: Fun<T>) = Sum(this, addend) operator fun times(multiplicand: Fun<T>) = Prod(this, multiplicand) }

Kotlin's smart-casting implicitly downcasts the abstract type Fun as a subtype, such as Sum after performing an is Sum check. If Fun were not sealed, we would have needed to write (this as Sum).left instead to access its member, left. If the type cast was mistaken, a ClassCastException would need to be thrown, which smart casting also prevents.

Multiple Dispatch

In conjunction with ADTs, Kotlin𝛁 also uses multiple dispatch to instantiate the most specific result type of applying an operator based on the type of its operands. While multiple dispatch is not an explicit language feature, it can be emulated using inheritance.

Building on the previous example, a common task in AD is to simplify a graph. This is useful in order to minimize the total number of calculations required, improving numerical stability. We can eagerly simplify expressions based on algebraic rules of replacement. Smart casting allows us to access members of a class after checking its type, without explicitly casting it:

override fun times(multiplicand: Function<X>): Function<X> = when { this == zero -> this this == one -> multiplicand multiplicand == one -> this multiplicand == zero -> multiplicand this == multiplicand -> pow(two) this is Const && multiplicand is Const -> const(value * multiplicand.value) // Further simplification is possible using rules of replacement else -> Prod(this, multiplicand) } val result = Const(2.0) * Sum(Var(2.0), Const(3.0)) // Sum(Prod(Const(2.0), Var(2.0)), Const(6.0))

This allows us to put all related control flow on a single abstract class which is inherited by subclasses, simplifying readability, debugging and refactoring.

Shape-safe Tensor Operations

While first-class dependent types are useful for ensuring arbitrary shape safety (e.g. when concatenating and reshaping matrices), they are unnecessary for simple equality checking (such as when multiplying two matrices).* When the shape of a tensor is known at compile-time, it is possible to encode this information using a less powerful type system, as long as it supports subtyping and parametric polymorphism (a.k.a. generics). In practice, we can implement a shape-checked tensor arithmetic in languages like Java, Kotlin, C++, C# or Typescript, which accept generic type parameters. In Kotlin, whose type system is less expressive than Java, we use the following strategy.

First, we enumerate a list of integer type literals as a chain of subtypes, so that C <: C - 1 <: C - 2 <: ... <: 1 <: 0, where C is the largest fixed-length dimension we wish to represent. Using this encoding, we are guaranteed linear growth in space and time for subtype checking. C can be specified by the user, but they will need to rebuild this project from scratch.

@file:Suppress("ClassName") interface Nat<T: `0`> { val i: Int } // Used for certain type bounds sealed class `0`(open val i: Int = 0) { companion object: `0`(), Nat<`0`> } sealed class `1`(override val i: Int = 1): `0`(i) { companion object: `1`(), Nat<`1`> } sealed class `2`(override val i: Int = 2): `1`(i) { companion object: `2`(), Nat<`2`> } sealed class `3`(override val i: Int = 3): `2`(i) { companion object: `3`(), Nat<`3`> } //...

Kotlin𝛁 supports shape-safe tensor operations by encoding tensor rank as a parameter of the operand’s type signature. Since integer literals are a chain of subtypes, we need only define tensor operations once using the highest literal, and can rely on Liskov substitution to preserve shape safety for all subtypes. For instance, consider the rank-1 tensor (i.e. vector) case:

@JvmName("floatVecPlus") infix operator fun <C: `1`, V: Vec<Float, C>> V): Vec<Float, C> = Vec(length, { it.first + it.second })

This technique can be easily extended to additional infix operators. We can also define a shape-safe vector initializer by overloading the invoke operator on a companion object like so:

open class Vec<E, MaxLength: `1`> constructor(val length: Nat<MaxLength>, val contents: List<E>) { operator fun get(i: `1`): E = contents[i.i] operator fun get(i: Int): E = contents[i] companion object { operator fun <T> invoke(t: T): Vec<T, `1`> = Vec(`1`, arrayListOf(t)) operator fun <T> invoke(t0: T, t1: T): Vec<T, `2`> = Vec(`2`, arrayListOf(t0, t1)) operator fun <T> invoke(t0: T, t1: T, t2: T): Vec<T, `3`> = Vec(`3`, arrayListOf(t0, t1, t2)) //... } }

The initializer may be omitted in favor of dynamic construction, although this may fail at runtime. For example:

val one = Vec(1, 2, 3) + Vec(1, 2, 3) // Always runs safely val add = Vec(1, 2, 3) + Vec(`3`, listOf(t)) // May fail at runtime val vec = Vec(1, 2, 3) // Does not compile val sum = Vec(1, 2) + add // Does not compile

A similar syntax is possible for matrices and higher-rank tensors. For example, Kotlin𝛁 can infer the shape of multiplying two matrices, and will not compile if their inner dimensions do not match:

// Inferred type: Mat<Int, `4`, `4`> val l = Mat4x4( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0 ) // Inferred type: Mat<Int, `4`, `3`> val m = Mat4x3( 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 ) // Inferred type: Mat<Int, `4`, `3`> val lm = l * m // m * m // Does not compile

Further examples are provided for shape-safe matrix operations such as addition, subtraction and transposition.

A similar technique is possible in Haskell, which is capable of a more powerful form of type-level computation, type arithmetic. Type arithmetic makes it easy to express convolutional arithmetic and other arithmetic operations on shape variables (say, splitting a vector in half), which is currently not possible, or would require enumerating every possible combination of type literals.

∗ Many less powerful type systems are still capable of performing arbitrary computation in the type checker. As specified, Java's type system is known to be Turing Complete. It may be possible to emulate a limited form of dependent types in Java by exploiting this property, although this may not computationally tractable due to the practical limitations noted by Grigore.

Ideal API (WIP)

The current API is experimental, but can be improved in many ways. Currently, Kotlin𝛁 does not infer a function's input dimensionality (i.e. free variables and their corresponding shape). While it is possible to perform variable capture over a small alphabet using type safe currying, this technique incurs a large source code overhead. It may be possible to reduce the footprint using phantom types or some form of union type bound (cf. Kotlin, Java).

When the shape of an N-dimensional array is known at compile-time, we can use type-level integers to ensure shape conforming tensor operations (inspired by Nexus and others).

Allowing users to specify a matrix's structure in its type signature, (e.g. Singular, Symmetric, Orthogonal, Unitary, Hermitian, Toeplitz) would allows us to specialize derivation over such matrices (cf. section 2.8 of The Matrix Cookbook).

Scalar functions

A function's type would ideally encode arity, based on the number of unique variables:

val f = x * y + sin(2 * x + 3 * y) // f: BinaryFunction<Double> " val g = f(x to -1.0) // g: UnaryFunction<Double> == -y + sin(-2 + 3 * y) val h = f(x to 0.0, y to 0.0) // h: Const<Double> == 0 + sin(0 + 0) == 0

However inferring arity for arbitrary expressions at compile-time would be difficult in the Kotlin type system. Instead, we can have the user specify it directly.

val x = Var(1.0) // x: Variable<Double> inferred type val y = Var(1.0) // x: Variable<Double> " val f = Fun(`2`) { x * y + sin(2 * x + 3 * y) } // f: BinaryFunction<Double> " val g = f(x to -1.0) // g: UnaryFunction<Double> == -y + sin(-2 + 3 * y) val h = f(x to 0.0, y to 0.0) // h: Const<Double> == 0 + sin(0 + 0) == 0


¹ Symbolic differentiation

² Automatic differentiation

³ Differentiable programming

⁴ Functional programming

⁵ Type-safe

⁶ Shape-safe

⁷ Dependently Typed

⁸ Multiplatform


If you would like to cite Kotlin𝛁, please use the following bibtex entry:

@misc{considine2019kotlingrad, authors = {Considine, Breandan and Famelis, Michalis and Paull, Liam}, title = {Kotlin{\nabla}: A Shape-Safe e{DSL} for Differentiable Programming}, year = {2019}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, howpublished = {\url{}}, } 


To the author's knowledge, Kotlin𝛁 is the first AD implementation in native Kotlin. While the particular synthesis of these ideas (i.e. shape-safe, functional AD, using generic types) is unique, it has been influenced by a long list of prior work in AD. Below is a list of projects and publications that helped inspire this work.

Automatic Differentiation

Differentiable Programming


Computer Algebra

Computational Mathematics

Neural Networks

Type Systems

Domain-Specific Languages

Automated Testing


  • TensorFlow.FSharp: An eDSL for writing numerical models in F# with support for interactive tensor shape-checking
  • Stalin∇, a brutally optimizing compiler for the VLAD language, a pure dialect of Scheme with first-class automatic differentiation operators
  • Autograd - Efficiently computes derivatives of NumPy code
  • DiffSharp, a functional AD library implemented in the F# language
  • Myia - SCT based AD, adapted from Pearlmutter & Siskind's "Reverse Mode AD in a functional framework"
  • Nexus - Type-safe tensors, deep learning and probabilistic programming in Scala
  • Tangent - "Source-to-Source Debuggable Derivatives in Pure Python"
  • Grenade - composable, dependently typed, practical, and fast RNNs in Haskell
  • Lantern - a framework in Scala, based on delimited continuations and multi-stage programming

Special Thanks

The following individuals have helped shape this project through their enthusiasm and thoughtful feedback. Please check out their work.

from Hacker News

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