Saturday, November 2, 2019

Extract voice, piano, drums, etc. from any music track using Machine Learning

PyPI version Conda PyPI - Python Version


Spleeter is the Deezer source separation library with pretrained models written in Python and uses Tensorflow. It makes it easy to train source separation model (assuming you have a dataset of isolated sources), and provides already trained state of the art model for performing various flavour of separation :

  • Vocals (singing voice) / accompaniment separation (2 stems)
  • Vocals / drums / bass / other separation (4 stems)
  • Vocals / drums / bass / piano / other separation (5 stems)

2 stems and 4 stems models have state of the art performances on the musdb dataset. Spleeter is also very fast as it can perform separation of audio files to 4 stems 100x faster than real-time when run on a GPU.

We designed Spleeter so you can use it straight from command line as well as directly in your own development pipeline as a Python library. It can be installed with Conda, with pip or be used with Docker.

Quick start

Want to try it out ? Just clone the repository and install a Conda environment to start separating audio file as follows:

git clone conda env create -f spleeter/conda/spleeter-cpu.yaml conda activate spleeter-cpu spleeter separate -i spleeter/audio_example.mp3 -p spleeter:2stems -o output

You should get two separated audio files (vocals.wav and accompaniment.wav) in the output/audio_example folder.

For a more detailed documentation, please check the repository wiki


If you use Spleeter in your work, please cite:

@misc{spleeter2019, title={Spleeter: A Fast And State-of-the Art Music Source Separation Tool With Pre-trained Models}, author={Romain Hennequin and Anis Khlif and Felix Voituret and Manuel Moussallam}, howpublished={Late-Breaking/Demo ISMIR 2019}, month={November}, year={2019} }


The code of Spleeter is MIT-licensed.


This repository include a demo audio file audio_example.mp3 which is an excerpt from Slow Motion Dream by Steven M Bryant (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: CSoul,Alex Beroza & Robert Siekawitch

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