Saturday, August 21, 2021

Amiga 1200 PiStorm Development

This week is a shorter than normal update due to me being away today. Back to your regularly scheduled longer form posts next week. In the mean time, I give you this week’s TWiP!

Amiga 1200 PiStorm Development

This week Claude started development on an Amiga 1200 version of PiStorm. It is intended to be based on a Pi Compute Module 4 which is a Rapsberry Pi designed to be embedded into devices. Instead of the Max II CPLD at the moment a Lattice FPGA is used to handle the extra I/O lines required.

Before you get too excited the first photo is just a cut-out from a pizza box to work out the dimensions for the board. It is still very early days and there is a long way to go until there is a usable device.

Watch this space for more updates!

Emu68 Update

The Emu68 emulator support for PiStorm has been making more progress. It boots DiagROM and is mostly all the way to booting kickstart. It is definitely worth checking out the latest update to Michal Schulz Patreon page. If you are on the PiStorm Discord you can see a quick video of Kickstart 1.3 mostly working with it here.

Community Videos and Blogs

ZZ9 Getting Started

abrugsch has uploaded a video introducing the ZZ9 PiStorm tester. I have one of these devices myself, it is awesome, and I recommend checking it out if you build PiStorms.

PiStorm with Amiga OS 3.2

Epsilon’s World has written a long visual blog post about setting up their PiStorm with Amiga OS 3.2, click this link to check it out!

The End

Did I miss anything? Or is there anything that you want covered next week? Let me know! I can be found as LinuxJedi on the PiStorm Discord or LinuxJedi on Twitter.

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