Thursday, April 1, 2021

Backpropagation 101

Imagine you’re a project manager, somewhere deep inside a vast company. You have an inbox, an outbox, and three people in your team: Alex, Bo, and Casey. Work comes into your inbox, you allocate it to someone in your team, they perform the work and get the results back to you, and you move those results to your outbox. Some time later, and potentially out-of-order, you’ll receive feedback on the work you submitted. Of course, when you receive the feedback, it won’t be labelled according to the person who did it — the bureaucracy above you neither knows nor cares about Alex, Bo and Casey. All the tasks will have an ID attached, and you’ll pass that ID on when you move the results forward. Later you’ll use the ID to figure out how to handle the feedback.

def handle_work(team, inbox, outbox, feedback_from_above):
    while True:
        if not_empty(inbox):
            task_id, task = next(inbox)
            worker = choose_worker(team)
            results = worker(task)
            outbox.send(task_id, results)
        if not_empty(feedback_from_above):
            task_id, feedback = next(feedback_from_above)

Because you don’t know when you’ll get the feedback, you have some state to track. You need to keep track of who did what task, so you can route the feedback to the right person. If Alex did the task and you give the feedback to Bo, your team will not improve. And your team members have some state to track too: they need to understand each piece of feedback in terms of the specific task it relates to. You want them to be able to get feedback like, “This wasn’t ambitious enough”, notice that their proposal was way under-budget, and see what they should’ve done differently in that specific scenario.

Alex, Bo and Casey should each keep their own notes about their projects, and the specifics of exactly what they should do differently should be up to them — you don’t want to micromanage that. You have a great team. If you just route the information around, they’ll take care of the rest. So to make your routing job easier, you ask everyone to return you a callback to pass along the feedback when it’s ready. The callback is created by the worker on your team, and it should wrap whatever state they need to act upon the feedback when/if it comes. With this system, all you need to do is file all the callbacks correctly when you’re passing work forward, and then retrieve the right handle when the feedback comes in.

def handle_work(team, inbox, outbox, feedback_from_above):
    pending_feedback = {}
    while True:
        if not_empty(inbox):
            task_id, task = next(inbox)
            worker = choose_worker(team)
            results, handle_feedback = worker(task)
            pending_feedback[task_id] = handle_feedback
            outbox.send(task_id, results)
        if not_empty(feedback_from_above):
            task_id, feedback = next(feedback_from_above)
            handle_feedback = pending_feedback[task_id]

This system definitely makes your job easy, and all the information is getting routed correctly. But something’s still missing. Alex, Bo and Casey have feedback too: about their inputs. They are getting feedback about their work, and are doing their best to incorporate it and improve. But their own performance is also dependent on the specific inputs they were given. It’s always the case that if the input for a given task had been a little bit different, the output would’ve been different as well. When incorporating the feedback on their work, the workers in your team will thus have feedback on the original inputs they were given, and how those inputs could have been better to ensure outputs that would have been closer to what the people above you really wanted. Currently all this feedback is getting lost, and there’s no way for the people who produced those inputs to learn what your team wants from them. So you need another outbox, pointed in the other direction, to propagate the feedback from your workers to the people preparing their inputs.

def handle_work(team, inbox, outbox, feedback_from_above, feedback_to_below):

Of course, you need to make a clear distinction between the feedback that your team received on their outputs, and the feedback that your team produced about their inputs, and make sure that the correct pieces of feedback end up with the right people.

Imagine if Alex had created a proposal that could potentially run over-budget, and you had passed that proposal upwards. Later you pass along feedback to Alex that says: “Not ambitious enough; client asked for bold”. That’s a feedback message for Alex, about Alex’s work. The team who made the input proposal then needs to hear Alex’s feedback on the original inputs: “The client context was originally described as ‘risk sanctioned’, which is ambiguous phrasing. Please be more clear when specifying the requirements.” If instead you passed them the feedback intended for Alex, the team below you would be misled. They’d move in the wrong direction. So you need to be careful that everything’s routed correctly. The feedback into Alex and the feedback out of Alex are not interchangeable.

def handle_work(team, inbox, outbox, feedback_from_above, feedback_to_below):
    pending_feedback = {}
    while True:
        if not_empty(inbox):
            task_id, task = next(inbox)
            worker = choose_worker(team)
            results, handle_feedback = worker(task)
            pending_feedback[task_id] = handle_feedback
            outbox.send(task_id, results)
        if not_empty(feedback_from_above):
            task_id, feedback = next(feedback_from_above)
            handle_feedback = pending_feedback[task_id]
            feedback_to_below.send(task_id, handle_feedback(feedback))

With work passing forward, and corrections being fed back, your team and the people feeding you work are operating smoothly. The corrections you’re asking Alex, Bo and Casey to make get more and more minor; and in turn, the corrections they’re passing back are getting smaller too. Life is good, work is easy… So you start to have some time on your hands.

One day you’re watching a TED talk about management, and you hear about the “wisdom of crowds”: if you combine several independent estimates, you can get a more accurate result. You only have a crowd of three, but you’re getting a lot of budget estimation tasks, so why not give it a try?

For the next budget estimation task, instead of giving it to just one worker, you decide to get them all to work on it separately. You don’t tell them about each others’ work, because you don’t want groupthink — you want them to all come up with a separate estimate. You then add them all up, and send off the result.

alex_estimate, give_alex_feedback = alex(task)
bo_estimate, give_bo_feedback = bo(task)
casey_estimate, give_casey_feedback = casey(task)
estimate = alex_estimate + bo_estimate + casey_estimate

Looking back on what you know now, just adding them up does feel kind of silly… But the rest of the TED talk was some weird stuff about jellybeans and you stopped paying attention. So this is what you did. Anyway, the estimate you sent off was way too high, so now you’d better give everyone the feedback so they can adjust for next time. Since this was a numerical estimate, the feedback is very simple: it’s just a number. You don’t actually know very much about this number and what it really represents, but you get a bonus if your team outputs work such that smaller numbers come back. The closer to 0 the feedback becomes, the bigger the bonus. You incentivise your team accordingly.

The first time you just sum up their estimates, the combined estimate way overshoots, and your feedback is far from zero. How should you split up the feedback between Alex, Bo and Casey, and when they have feedback in turn, how should you pass that along?

def propagate_feedback_from_addition(feedback, give_alex_feedback, give_bo_feedback, give_casey_feedback):
    return feedback_to_input

One way to think about this is that there’s three people, and one piece of feedback. So we should divide it up between all three estimates equally. But you think about this some more, and decide that you really don’t feel like micromanaging this: you just want the combined score to come out right. So you figure that you’ll just give all of the feedback to everyone, and see how that works out. Sure, your team may be a bit confused at first, but they’ll quickly adjust their spreadsheets or whatever and the combined estimate will get closer and closer to the mark.

There’s also the question of how to pass on Alex, Bo and Casey’s feedback about their inputs. It turns out for these cost estimates, everything comes in a nicely structured format: the “inputs” are just a table of numbers, which were all estimates from another team, who are passing information into your inbox. So Alex, Bo and Casey all produce feedback that’s in the same format — it’s a table of numbers of the same size and shape as the inputs (because that’s what it relates to).

Alex, Bo and Casey take their bonuses seriously, so they’re very specific about how their feedback should be interpreted. Each of them gives you their feedback table and tells you, “Look, tell the people producing this data that if they had given us inputs such that these numbers were zero, our own feedback would have been zero and we’d all make our bonus. Now, I know we shouldn’t leap to conclusions and base everything off this one sample. And I know I need to make adjustments as well. If I make some changes and they make some changes each time, we’ll get there after a bit of iteration.”

So now you have three of these feedback tables, that all relate to the same example. How should you propagate that back? The only sensible thing is to add them all up and pass them on, so that’s what you do. More of these work estimates come in, and you keep passing them through your combination team and passing the feedback back down. It’s kind of a hassle to keep track of all the internals though — it’s messed up your neat system. So you have a bright idea: you create a little filing system for yourself, so you can keep track of the combination and treat it just like another team member.

Alex, Bo and Casey all behave with a pretty simple interface when it comes to these estimates, because the data is all nice and regular. We can specify the interface using Python 3’s type-annotation syntax, so we can understand what data we’re passing around a bit better. The inputs are a table, so we’ll write their type as Array2d — i.e., a two-dimensional array. The output will be a single number, so a float. Each worker also returns a callback, to handle the feedback about their output, and provide the feedback about their inputs.

def estimate_project(inputs: Array2d) -> Tuple[float, Callable[[float], Array2d]]:

It’ll be helpful if we can refer to objects that follow this estimate_projects API in the type annotations. The type-annotations solution to this is to define a “protocol”. The specifics are a bit weird, but it comes out looking like this:

from typing import Protocol

class Estimator(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, inputs: Array2d) -> Tuple[float, Callable[[float], Array2d]]):

This gives us a new type, Estimator, that we can use to describe our worker functions. As we start combining workers, we’ll be passing functions into functions — so it’ll be helpful to have some annotations to see what’s going on more easily.

To make our combination worker, we just need to return a function that has the same signature. Inside the addition estimator, we’ll call Alex, Bo and Casey in turn, add up the output, and return it along with the callback. For notational convenience, we’ll prefix the feedback for some quantity with re_, like it’s a reply to that variable.

def combine_by_addition(alex: Estimator, bo: Estimator, casey: Estimator) -> Estimator:

    def run_addition_estimate(inputs: Array2d) -> float:
        a_estimate, give_a_feedback = alex(inputs)
        b_estimate, give_b_feedback = bo(inputs)
        c_estimate, give_c_feedback = casey(inputs)

        summed = a_estimate + b_estimate + c_estimate

        def handle_feedback(re_summed: float) -> Array2d:
            re_input = (
                + give_b_feedback(re_summed)
                + give_c_feedback(re_summed)
            return re_input

        return summed, handle_feedback

    return run_addition_estimate

We can now use our “addition” worker just like anyone else in our team. And in fact, if we learned tomorrow that “Casey” was actually a front for a vast system of combination like this… well, what of it? We’d still be passing in inputs, passing along the outputs, providing the output feedback, and making sure the input feedback gets propagated. Nothing would change.

After a few iterations of corrections, the combined-by-addition “worker” you’ve created starts producing great results — so good that even the vast bureaucracy around you takes notice. As well as a great bonus, you get a few new team members: Dani, Ely and Fei. You start thinking of new ways to combine them. You also make some quick changes to your addition system. Now that you have more workers, you want to make it a bit more general.

def combine_by_addition(workers: List[Estimator]) -> Estimator:

    def addition_combination(inputs: Array2d) -> float:
        callbacks = []
        summed = 0
        for worker in workers:
            result, callback = worker(inputs)
            summed += result

        def handle_feedback(re_summed: float) -> Array2d:
            re_input = callbacks[0](re_summed)
            for callback in callbacks[1:]:
                re_input += callback(re_summed)
            return re_input

        return summed, handle_feedback

    return addition_combination

As for new combinations, one obvious idea harks back to your original “wisdom of the crowds” inspiration. Instead of just adding up the outputs, you could average them. Easy. But how to handle the feedback? Should we just pass that along directly, like we did with the addition, or should we divide the feedback by the number of workers?

It actually won’t really matter: the team members all understand the feedback to mean, “Change your model slightly, so that this number becomes closer to zero. Also, give us similar feedback about inputs.” If you give them feedback that’s three times too big, and they make changes that pushes that number towards zero, they’ll also be pushing the “real” feedback score towards zero. You can’t really steer them wrong just by messing up the magnitude, so long as you do it consistently. Still, messing up the magnitude makes things messy: if you’re not careful, it could easily lead to more relevant errors later. So best to handle everything consistently, and make the appropriate division.

def combine_by_average(workers: List[Estimator]) -> Estimator:

    def combination_worker_averaging(inputs: Array2d) -> float:
        callbacks = []
        summed = 0
        for worker in workers:
            result, callback = worker(inputs)
            summed += result
        average = summed / len(workers)

        def handle_feedback(re_average: float) -> Array2d:
            re_result = re_average / len(workers)
            re_input = callbacks[0](re_result)
            for callback in callbacks[1:]:
                re_input += callback(re_result)
            return re_input

        return average, handle_feedback

    return combination_worker_averaging

Looking at this, there’s a lot of obvious duplication with the addition. We’re doing the exact same thing as it, as part of the averaging process. Why don’t we just make an addition worker, and only implement the averaging step?

def combine_by_average(workers: List[Estimator]) -> Estimator:
    addition_worker = combine_by_addition(workers)

    def combination_worker_averaging(inputs: Array2d) -> float:
        summed, handle_summed_feedback = addition_worker(inputs)
        average = summed / len(workers)

        def handle_feedback(re_average: float) -> Array2d:
            re_summed = re_average / len(workers)
            re_input = handle_summed_feedback(re_summed)
            return re_input

        return average, handle_feedback

    return combination_worker_averaging

If you only use each worker in one team, and you keep the team sizes fixed, the addition and averaging approaches end up performing the same. The extra division step doesn’t end up mattering. This actually makes a lot of sense, considering what we realized about the feedback for the averaging: in both approaches, the workers are going to end up making similar updates, just rescaled — and over time, they’ll easily recalibrate their outputs to the scaling term, either way.

Summing and averaging are sort of the same, but surely there are other ways the workers could collaborate? So you go back and read more management books, and everyone seems to be saying you should just listen to whoever speaks the loudest. None of the books say it like that, but if you actually followed their advice, that’s pretty much what you’d end up doing. This seems really dumb, but uh… okay, let’s try it? Your team really doesn’t communicate by speaking, so “loudest” can’t be taken too literally. Let’s take it to mean selecting the highest estimate.

def combine_by_maximum(workers: List[Estimator]) -> Estimator:

    def combination_worker_maximum(inputs: Array2d) -> float:
        max_estimate = None
        handle_for_max = None
        for worker in workers:
            estimate, handle_feedback = worker(inputs)
            if max_estimate is None or estimate > max_estimate:
                max_estimate = estimate
                handle_for_max = handle_feedback
        return max_estimate, handle_for_max

    return combination_worker_maximum

You combine two workers, Dani and Ely, into a new team using this maximum-based approach, and you can almost feel your bonus slipping away as you put them into action: surely if we’re always taking the maximum, our estimates are going to climb up and up, right? But to your surprise, that’s not what happens. The worker who submits the high estimate is the one who gets the feedback, so they’ll learn not to produce such a high estimate for that input next time. Dani and Ely aren’t competing to have their outputs selected — from their perspective, they’re working completely independently. They’re just trying to make adjustments so that their feedback scores get closer to zero.

Is it weird that only the worker with the highest estimate gets any feedback? Shouldn’t we be trying to train all of them based on what we learned from the example as well? We actually can’t do that, because we don’t have feedback that relates to all the outputs: we only submitted one output, so we only get feedback about that one output. The feedback represents a request for change: it tells the workers how we’d like their output to be different next time, given the same input. We don’t know that about the other workers’ estimates, because we didn’t submit them.

Your combine_by_maximum(Dani, Ely) team works surprisingly well, so you decide to break your usual hands-off policy, and actually look at some of the data to try to figure out what’s going on, even going so far as to set up a combine_by_average(Alex, Bo) team for comparison. After a bit of sifting, you discover some interesting patterns, especially concerning two of the input columns.

Based on the estimates and feedback, you see that if the inputs have a 1 in the column labelled “Located in California”, that generally means the estimates should be higher. There’s also a column labelled “Renewable Energy”, and a 1 for that also leads to higher estimates, generally. But when there’s a 1 for both columns, the estimates should come out a fair bit lower than you’d expect, based on the two columns individually.

The combine_by_average(Alex, Bo) team is really struggling with this: whatever they’re doing individually, it’s not taking this combination factor into account — they’re both overshooting on the California+Renewable examples, and when there’s a run of those examples, they start undershooting on the examples that are just California or just Renewable. The average doesn’t help.

California Renewables Alex Bo Output Target
0 0 $1.5m $0.5m $1m $1m
1 0 $6m $4m $5m $5m
0 1 $7m $9m $8m $8m
1 1 $11.5m $12.5 $12m $10m

While the averaging doesn’t help, the combine_by_maximum(Dani, Ely) team manages to follow their individual feedbacks to an interesting “collaborative” solution. Effectively, the max operation allows the workers to “specialise”: Dani doesn’t worry about examples outside of California, and Ely doesn’t worry about projects that don’t concern renewables. This means Ely’s weighting for “California” is really a weighting for California in the context of renewable. Ely doesn’t need to model the effect of California by itself, because Dani covers that, so between them, they’re able to produce estimates that account for the interaction effect.

California Renewables Dani Ely Output Target
0 0 $1m $1m $1m $1m
1 0 $5m $2m $5m $5m
0 1 $1m $8m $8m $8m
1 1 $6m $10m $10m $10m

It’s hard to overstate the importance of this. Nobody involved went out and learned that there were relevant subsidies in California that reduced the cost of renewables projects, figured out that they were throwing off the estimates, and included an extra column for them. And later more examples will show even more subtlety: the subsidies only matter for certain years. That fact gets taken care of too, without anyone even having to notice.

The combine_by_maximum approach can learn “not and” relationships, which is something summing and averaging the different outputs could never give you. Once you start looking for places where summing and averaging fails, you start seeing them everywhere. It will make a great TED talk some day: non-linearities.

Previously when you thought about relationships between quantities, you were trying to decide between three options: unrelated, positively correlated and negatively correlated. This often comes down to “is this factor good, bad, or irrelevant”. How much salt should someone have in their diet per day? How much sleep should you get? How long should a school day be?

There are very few relationships that are linear the whole way through. It’s much more common for the relationship to be linear in “normal” ranges, and then non-linear at the edges. Often there’s a saturation point: you need enough sodium in your diet. If you have too little you will die. But once you have enough, excess sodium is probably slightly bad for you, up until a point where it will be extremely bad for you, and again, you will die. Almost everything is like this, because almost every relationship is indirect — we’re always looking at aggregate phenomena with a huge web of causation behind the scenes, mediating the interaction. So you’ll always have these pockets of linearity, interrupted by overheads, tipping points, cut-offs at zero, saturation points, diminishing returns, synergistic amplifications, etc.

So the ability to model these non-linear relationships is no small thing. And it’s happening through this simple process of feedback and adjustment: with enough examples, the individual predictors are getting more right over time, and you’re able to combine their predictions together to account for “not and” relationships between logical variables, and to interpret numeric variables as having different significance in different ranges. Business is good, the bonuses keep flowing, and your team expands further.

As you succeed further, efficiency starts to become a factor. Instead of receiving one task at a time, you start processing the work in batches. This is helpful because there’s a bit of routing overhead involved. There are also little waiting periods after they finish their work, as work is happening in parallel, and sometimes you need to wait on another input somewhere else before the next bit of work can get started. Batch processing keeps everyone busier, but it does make your routing a bit more difficult sometimes.

For some of the tasks you’re given, the workers will take in a whole table of numbers and give you a single number back. For other tasks, you get one number per row. For this second type of task, you think you see a useful way to do the batching — but you want to do a quick experiment first. You need to know whether the order of the rows matter or are they really independent?

def with_shuffled(worker):

    def worker_with_shuffled(input_table):
        shuf_index = list(range(len(input_table)))
        shuf_input = [input_table[i] for i in shuf_index]
        shuf_output, handle_shuffled_feedback = worker(shuf_input)
        shuf_index_reverted = [shuf_index.index(i) for i in list(range(len(input_table)))]
        output = [shuf_output[i] for i in shuf_index_reverted]

        def handle_feedback(re_output):
            shuf_re_output = [re_output[i] for i in shuf_index]
            shuf_re_input = handle_shuffled_feedback(shuf_re_output)
            re_input = [shuf_re_input[i] for i in shuf_index_reverted]
            return re_input

        return output, handle_feedback()

    return worker_with_shuffled

You decide to grab Alex for this test, and do something just like the “combination worker” you created earlier, but this time with just one worker. You quickly determine that your trickery is making no difference: the order of rows doesn’t matter in this input. So now you can handle the batched data easily. You just need to concatenate the rows to form one giant table, submit it to the worker, and split apart the results. Then you need to do the inverse with the feedback. Give it a try!

def with_flatten(worker):
    def worker_with_flatten(input_tables: List[Array2d]) -> Tuple[List[Array1d], Callable]:

        def handle_flattened_feedback(re_outputs: List[Array1d]) -> List[Array2d]:
            return re_input_tables

        return outputs, handle_flattened_feedback

    return worker_with_flatten

By now it’s probably worth dropping the allegory: the “workers” in our story are models, which could be individual layers of a neural network, or even whole models. And the process we’ve been discussing is of course the backpropagation of gradients, which are used to iteratively update the weights of a model.

The allegory also introduced Thinc’s particular implementation strategy for backpropagation, which uses function composition. This approach lets you express neural network operations as higher-order functions. On the one hand, there are sometimes where managing the backward pass explicitly is tricky, and it’s another place your code can go wrong. But the trade-off is that there’s much less API surface to work with, and you can spend more time thinking about the computations that should be executed, instead of the framework that’s executing them. For more about how Thinc is put together, read on to its Concept and Design.

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