Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Show HN: I made a free-to-use GPT-2 API


Download the Booste client for Python

If you have not already, download and install python and pip

From your terminal, run:

pip install booste


Predict the next word(s) from a given sequence of words.

Add this to your python code:

import booste

out_list = booste.gpt2(in_string, length)


Arg Description Required Type Example
in_string The given sequence of words True string "I went on a walk and suddenly, I"
length The quantity of words to predict following the in_string False (default=5) int 10

Return Type:

List - the predicted text, separated into list form.

To convert to string, add:

out_string = " ".join(out_list)

Response Time:

GPT-2 is a large model. API calls can take 1s per word of length. Request faster response time here


Adjusting these parameters from the default is not recommended.

Arg Description Required Type Example
temperature A value between 0.1 and 1, to adjust randomness.

Smaller values create seemingly random output. Larger values create repeating phrases in the output.
False (default=0.8) float 0.8
batch_length A value 1-50, to manage inference workload.

Booste splits the API call into batches to avoid server timeout. Adjusting this does not affect prediction quality.

Smaller values reduce total inference time, but require more API calls, so it is only suggested if you have high bandwidth. Larger values can cause server timeout.
False (default=20) int 50
window_max A value 1-200, to manage inference workload.

GPT-2 can only accept an input string less than 200 words long. Booste uses a "sliding window" approach to handle longer length requests, where the input string is trimmed to the n=window_max most recent words.

Smaller values reduce inference time dramatically, but output will drift into unrelated subjects due to lost context. Larger values increase output quality, but can 5x inference time per word and overload the model input limit.
False (default=50) int 100

from Hacker News https://ift.tt/3iY2NXN

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