Learn how to implement an automated machine learning strategy with the goal of finding the optimal stocks for algorithmic trading.
With the increasing popularity of machine learning, many traders are looking for ways in which they can “teach” a computer to trade for them. This process is called algorithmic trading (sometimes called algo-trading).
Algorithmic trading is a hands off strategy for buying and selling stocks that leverages technical indicators instead of human intuition.
In order to implement an algorithmic trading strategy though, you have to first narrow down a list of stocks that you want to analyze. This walk-through provides an automated process (using python and logistic regression) for determining the best stocks to algo-trade.
I will dive deeper into the logic and code below, but here is a high-level overview of the process:
- Import the historical data of every stock using yahoo finance.
- Pull in over 32 technical indicators for each stock using the technical analysis library.
- Perform a logistic regression on each stock using 5, 30, and 60 day observation time periods.
- Interpret the results.
Import Necessary Libraries
Running this program in python requires these libraries:
- Yfinance: Gather the historical data of each stock.
- Pandas: Work with large datasets.
- Shutil, Glob, and OS: Access folders/files on your computer.
- Time: Forcing the program to pause for a period of time.
- Get_All_Tickers: Filter through all stocks to get the list you desire.
- Numpy: Work with arrays.
- Sklearn: To run our logistic regression model.
- TA: To import the technical indicators.
import yfinance as yf, pandas as pd, shutil, os, time, glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from get_all_tickers import get_tickers as gt
from ta import add_all_ta_features
from ta.utils import dropna
Collecting Historical Stock Data
Obtaining historical data on the stocks that we want to observe is a two-step process.
- Narrow down a list of stocks that we want to observe.
- Make individual calls to the Yfinance API in order to import data about each company.
Choosing the Stocks We Want to Target
The library get-all-tickers allows us to compile a list of stock tickers by filtering companies on aspects like market cap or exchange. For this example, I am looking at companies that have a market cap between $150,000 and $10,000,000 (in millions).
You will notice that I also included a line of code to print the number of tickers we are using. This is very important. You will need to be sure that you are not targeting more than 2,000 tickers, because the Yfinance API has a 2,000 API calls per hour limit.
We also need to remove and create a folder on our local machine to hold historical stock data. Note that before this step runs for the first time, you will need to manually create this folder. This step is important because it will get rid of the data from past iterations and allow the program to start new.
# List of the stocks we are interested in analyzing. At the time of writing this, it narrows the list of stocks down to 44.
# If you have a list of your own you would like to use just create a new list instead of using this, for example: tickers = ["FB", "AMZN", ...]
tickers = gt.get_tickers_filtered(mktcap_min=150000, mktcap_max=10000000)
# Check that the amount of tickers isn't more than 2000
print("The amount of stocks chosen to observe: " + str(len(tickers)))
# These two lines remove the Stocks folder and then recreate it in order to remove old stocks. Make sure you have created a Stocks Folder the first time you run this.
shutil.rmtree("<Your Path>\\Bayesian_Logistic_Regression\\Stocks\\")
os.mkdir("<Your Path>\\Bayesian_Logistic_Regression\\Stocks\\")
Importing Historical Stock Data
We will now obtain the historical price data of each stock in our tickers list by making independent calls to Yahoo Finance. After receiving the data, the program will save each company’s information in a new CSV file that will be located in the folder you created beforehand.
# Holds the amount of API calls we executed
Amount_of_API_Calls = 0
# This while loop is reponsible for storing the historical data for each ticker in our list. Note that yahoo finance sometimes incurs json.decode errors and because of this we are sleeping for 2
# seconds after each iteration, also if a call fails we are going to try to execute it again.
# Also, do not make more than 2,000 calls per hour or 48,000 calls per day or Yahoo Finance may block your IP. The clause "(Amount_of_API_Calls < 1800)" below will stop the loop from making
# too many calls to the yfinance API.
# Prepare for this loop to take some time. It is pausing for 2 seconds after importing each stock.
# Used to make sure we don't waste too many API calls on one Stock ticker that could be having issues
Stock_Failure = 0
Stocks_Not_Imported = 0
# Used to iterate through our list of tickers
while (i < len(tickers)) and (Amount_of_API_Calls < 1800):
stock = tickers[i] # Gets the current stock ticker
temp = yf.Ticker(str(stock))
Hist_data = temp.history(period="max") # Tells yfinance what kind of data we want about this stock (In this example, all of the historical data)
Hist_data.to_csv("<Your Path>\\Bayesian_Logistic_Regression\\Stocks\\"+stock+".csv") # Saves the historical data in csv format for further processing later
time.sleep(2) # Pauses the loop for two seconds so we don't cause issues with Yahoo Finance's backend operations
Amount_of_API_Calls += 1
Stock_Failure = 0
i += 1 # Iteration to the next ticker
print("Importing stock data:" + str(i))
except ValueError:
print("Yahoo Finance Backend Error, Attempting to Fix") # An error occured on Yahoo Finance's backend. We will attempt to retreive the data again
if Stock_Failure > 5: # Move on to the next ticker if the current ticker fails more than 5 times
Stocks_Not_Imported += 1
Amount_of_API_Calls += 1
Stock_Failure += 1
print("The amount of stocks we successfully imported: " + str(i - Stocks_Not_Imported))
Importing Technical Indicators
In order to run a logistic regression on each stock, we need to substantiate the independent variables. These 32+ technical indicators will act as predictor variables for the dependent variable.
To bring in the technical indicators we make use of the technical analysis library.
You will also notice that we are creating three extra columns. These will act as the value we are trying to predict (dependent variable) with the model. The three variables are 5, 30, and 60 day observations of the closing prices of each stock (1 if it increased and 0 if it did not).
# These two lines remove the Stocks folder and then recreate it in order to remove old stocks. Make sure you have created a Stocks Folder the first time you run this.
shutil.rmtree("<Your Path>\\Bayesian_Logistic_Regression\\Stocks_Sub\\")
os.mkdir("<Your Path>\\Bayesian_Logistic_Regression\\Stocks_Sub\\")
# Get the Y values
list_files = (glob.glob("<Your Path>\\Bayesian_Logistic_Regression\\Stocks\\*.csv")) # Creates a list of all csv filenames in the stocks folder
for interval in list_files:
Stock_Name = ((os.path.basename(interval)).split(".csv")[0])
data = pd.read_csv(interval)
data = add_all_ta_features(data, open="Open", high="High", low="Low", close="Close", volume="Volume")
data = data.iloc[100:]
close_prices = data['Close'].tolist()
Five_Day_Obs = []
thirty_Day_Obs = []
sixty_Day_Obs = []
x = 0
while x < (len(data)):
if x < (len(data)-5):
if ((close_prices[x+1] + close_prices[x+2] + close_prices[x+3] + close_prices[x+4] + close_prices[x+5])/5) > close_prices[x]:
y = 0
while y < (len(data)):
if y < (len(data)-30):
ThirtyDayCalc = 0
y2 = 0
while y2 < 30:
ThirtyDayCalc = ThirtyDayCalc + close_prices[y+y2]
y2 += 1
if (ThirtyDayCalc/30) > close_prices[y]:
z = 0
while z < (len(data)):
if z < (len(data)-60):
SixtyDayCalc = 0
z2 = 0
while z2 < 60:
SixtyDayCalc = SixtyDayCalc + close_prices[z+z2]
z2 += 1
if (SixtyDayCalc/60) > close_prices[z]:
data['Five_Day_Observation_Outcome'] = Five_Day_Obs
data['Thirty_Day_Observation_Outcome'] = thirty_Day_Obs
data['Sixty_Day_Observation_Outcome'] = sixty_Day_Obs
data.to_csv("<Your Path>\\Bayesian_Logistic_Regression\\Stocks_Sub\\"+Stock_Name+".csv")
print("Data for " + Stock_Name + " has been substantiated with technical features.")
Run the Logistic Regression Model
At this point, we have the historical data as well as over 32 technical indicators for each stock we chose to observe. We also created three different time-interval observations for which we want to predict the stock’s future price.
Now, all that is left is to clean the data (remove infinite and null values), run the logistic regression model, and interpret the results.
For those who are less familiar with running statistical models, here is a quick breakdown of what the below code does:
- Creates a loop to go through each stock that we saved.
- Replaces infinite values with null and then replaces null values with 0.
- Scales the data so that each variable is comparable.
- Creates a loop to run the logistic regression three times for each stock (for 5, 30, and 60 day observations).
- Saves the output to a CSV file so that we can interpret the results and find the best stocks to trade.
Hold_Results = []
list_files2 = (glob.glob("<Your Path>\\Bayesian_Logistic_Regression\\Stocks_Sub\\*.csv")) # Creates a list of all csv filenames in the stocks folder
for interval2 in list_files2:
Stock_Name = ((os.path.basename(interval2)).split(".csv")[0])
data = pd.read_csv(interval2,index_col=0)
data = data.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan)
data = data.fillna(0)
dependents = [data["Five_Day_Observation_Outcome"].to_list(), data["Thirty_Day_Observation_Outcome"].to_list(), data["Sixty_Day_Observation_Outcome"].to_list()]
data = data.drop(['Five_Day_Observation_Outcome', 'Thirty_Day_Observation_Outcome', 'Sixty_Day_Observation_Outcome', 'Date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close'], axis = 1)
scaler = StandardScaler()
data = scaler.fit_transform(data) # Standardize our data set
Hold_Results_Section = []
p = 0
for dep in dependents:
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test =\
train_test_split(data, dep, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)
model = LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear', C=0.05, multi_class='ovr',random_state=0)
model.fit(x_train, y_train)
y_pred = model.predict(x_test) # To get the predicted values
conf = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
if p == 0:
Hold_Results.append([Stock_Name, "Five_Day_Observation_Outcome", model.score(x_train, y_train),model.score(x_test, y_test),conf[0,0],conf[0,1],conf[1,0],conf[1,1]])
if p == 1:
Hold_Results.append([Stock_Name, "Thirty_Day_Observation_Outcome", model.score(x_train, y_train),model.score(x_test, y_test),conf[0,0],conf[0,1],conf[1,0],conf[1,1]])
if p == 2:
Hold_Results.append([Stock_Name, "Sixty_Day_Observation_Outcome", model.score(x_train, y_train),model.score(x_test, y_test),conf[0,0],conf[0,1],conf[1,0],conf[1,1]])
print("Model complete for " + Stock_Name)
df = pd.DataFrame(Hold_Results, columns=['Stock', 'Observation Period', 'Model Accuracy on Training Data', 'Model Accuracy on Test Data', 'True Positives','False Positives',
'False Negative','True Negative'])
df.to_csv("<Your Path>\\Bayesian_Logistic_Regression\\Model_Outcome.csv", index = False)
Interpreting the Results
We now have a CSV file with the results of the logistic regression model that we ran on each individual stock. Below is an example of this output (a small excerpt):
![Image for post](https://i2.wp.com/miro.medium.com/max/1333/1*lQ_PdhjQoZOdCgNZVv-Uhw.png?w=1140&ssl=1)
Here are some assumptions we can make from these results:
- Which observation period is the best to use for each stock (i.e has the highest model accuracy).
- Which stocks are best predicted by their technical indicators.
- If the model is better at predicting increases in price or decreases.
It is definitely possible to derive more from this code, for example, you could calculate sensitivity and specificity from the confusion matrices.
To get my full code, download it from GitHub here. To learn more about automating your stock analysis, check out my other article, “A Guide to Automating Your Stock Analysis“.
If you enjoyed this article, please let me know what you thought. I would love to hear some feedback!
Also, connect with me on LinkedIn here. I’m always happy to make some new connections!
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