Friday, October 11, 2019

Emacs: Abbrev Mode Tutorial

Emacs: Abbrev Mode Tutorial

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Emacs's abbrev feature lets you type a short word and expand into a full word or code template.

For example:

  • bgbackground
  • fedfind . -depth -empty -type d
  • ffunction f () { return 3; }
  • hrt

Alt+x abbrev-mode to turn it on. Call again to turn off.

To turn on globally when emacs starts, put this in emacs init:

(setq-default abbrev-mode t)

Define Abbrev

Suppose you want to define “bg” → “background”.

  1. Type “background”.
  2. Alt+x add-global-abbrevCtrl+x a g】, in the prompt, type “bg”.

Now, when you type “bg” followed by a space or return, it'll expand to “background”.

If you want the abbrev only for the current major mode,

Alt+x add-mode-abbrevCtrl+x a l】 → Define abbrev for current mode.

If the expanded text is more than one word, for example, suppose you want to define “faq” → “frequently asked questions”.

  1. Type “frequently asked questions”.
  2. Select the text.
  3. Alt+x universal-argumentCtrl+u】, type “0”.
  4. Alt+x add-global-abbrevCtrl+x a g】, in the prompt, type “faq”.

Undefine Abbrev

To remove a definition, give a negative argument to add-global-abbrev or add-mode-abbrev.

For example, to undefine the abbrev “bg”.

  1. Alt+x universal-argumentCtrl+u】, type “-1”.
  2. Alt+x add-global-abbrevCtrl+x a g】, in the prompt, type “bg”.

Save Abbrev

When you quit, emacs will ask you if you want to save.

Put this in emacs init to auto save:

(setq save-abbrevs 'silently)

Abbrev File Location

The abbrevs is saved in a file at a path specified by the variable


By default, it's at 〔~/.emacs.d/abbrev_defs〕

You can change it, for example, put this in emacs init:

(setq abbrev-file-name "~/emacs_abbre.el")

List Abbrevs

Alt+x list-abbrevs → Display a list of defined abbrevs.

Edit Abbrevs

You can edit abbrevs. This is the best way to add or remove abbrevs.

Alt+x edit-abbrevs to edit abbrev.

Emacs will display it like this:

emacs edit abbrev 65513
emacs edit abbrev screen.

The number in the middle column is the number of times you've used (expanded) the abbrev.

  • To remove a abbrev, just delete the line.
  • To add a abbrev, just add a line.

When done, to load and or save, call any of:

  • edit-abbrevs-redefineCtrl+c Ctrl+c】 → Redefine abbrevs according to current buffer contents.
  • abbrev-edit-save-bufferCtrl+x Ctrl+s】 → Redefine and save to abbrev file.
  • abbrev-edit-save-to-fileCtrl+x Ctrl+w】 → Redefine and save to abbrev file, but ask for new location.

Abbrev Example

You can use abbrev for:

  • Long English words, e.g. “comm” for “communication”.
  • Programing language function templates.
  • emoji, such as “omg” for 😂
  • math symbols such as “ra” for
  • Templates, such as license header.
  • Address, url, telephone number, company name, etc.

I have about 8 hundred abbrevs from all modes. Here's a example:

"zin" 0 "∈" "znin" 0 "∉" "zinf" 0 "∞" "zluv" 0 "♥" "zsmly" 0 "☺" "zme" 0 "" "zwp" 0 "Wikipedia" "zms" 0 "Microsoft" "zg" 0 "Google" "zit" 0 "IntelliType" "zmsw" 0 "Microsoft Windows" "zwin" 0 "Windows" "zie" 0 "Internet Explorer" "zahk" 0 "AutoHotkey" "zalt" 0 "alternative" "zchar" 0 "character" "zdef" 0 "definition" "zbg" 0 "background" "zkb" 0 "keyboard" "zex" 0 "example" "zkbd" 0 "keybinding" "zenv" 0 "environment" "zvar" 0 "variable" "zev" 0 "environment variable" "zcp" 0 "computer" "zxl" 0 "Xah Lee" "zuxl" 0 "" "zd" 0 "\\([0-9]+?\\)" "zstr" 0 "\\([^\"]+?\\)\"" "zf" 0 "find . -type f -size 0 -exec rm {} ';'"

I put “z” in the beginning of my abbrevs. This way, i don't have to worry about clash with short words that i don't want to expand.

Manual Load/Save Abbrev File

  • read-abbrev-file → Read abbrev definitions from file written with `write-abbrev-file'.
  • write-abbrev-file → Write all user-level abbrev definitions to a file of Lisp code.

Emacs Abbrev Frequently Asked Questions

Make Abbrev Not Add Space

How to make abbrev not add the space?

Define this function:

(defun xah-abbrev-h-f () "Abbrev hook function, used for `define-abbrev'. Our use is to prevent inserting the char that triggered expansion. Experimental. the “ahf” stand for abbrev hook function. Version 2016-10-24" t) (put 'xah-abbrev-h-f 'no-self-insert t)

And for each of the abbrev that you don't want space added after expansion, add the function there as third argument, like this:

(define-abbrev-table 'global-abbrev-table '( ("addr" "address" xah-abbrev-h-f) ))

from Hacker News

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