Monday, May 3, 2021

Specifying State Machines with Temporal Logic

Quickstrom uses linear temporal logic (LTL) for specifying web applications. When explaining how it works, I’ve found that the basics of LTL are intuitive to newcomers. On the other hand, it’s not obvious how to specify real-world systems using LTL. That’s why I’m sharing some of my learnings and ideas from the past year in the form of blog posts.

This post focuses on how to use LTL to specify systems in terms of state machines. It’s a brief overview that avoids going into too much detail. For more information on how to test web applications using such specifications, see the Quickstrom documentation.

To avoid possible confusion, I want to start by pointing out that a state machine specification in this context is not the same as a model in TLA+ (or similar modeling languages.) We’re not building a model to prove or check properties against. Rather, we’re defining properties in terms of state machine transitions, and the end goal is to test actual system behavior (e.g. web applications, desktop applications, APIs) by checking that recorded traces match our specifications.

Linear Temporal Logic

In this post, we’ll be using an LTL language. It’s a sketch of a future specification language for Quickstrom.

A formula (plural formulae) is a logical expression that evaluates to true or false. We have the constants:

We combine formulae using the logical connectives, e.g:

The ==> operator is implication. So far we have propositional logic, but we need a few more things.

Temporal Operators

At the core of our language we have the notion of state. Systems change state over time, and we’d like to express that in our specifications. But the formulae we’ve seen so far do not deal with time. For that, we use temporal operators.

To illustrate how the temporal operators work, I’ll use diagrams to visualize traces (sequences of states). A black circle denotes a state in which the formula is true, and a white circle denotes a state where the formula is false.

For example, let’s say we have two formulae, P and Q, where:

  • P is true in the first and second state
  • Q is true in the second state

Both formulae are false in all other states. The formulae and trace would be visualized as follows:

Note that in these diagrams, we assume that the last state repeats forever. This might seem a bit weird, but drawing an infinite number of states is problematic.


The next operator takes a formula as an argument and evaluates it in the next state.

next P   ●───○───○
P        ○───●───○

The next operator is relative to the current state, not the first state in the trace. This means that we can nest nexts to reach further into the future.

next (next P)   ●───●───○───○───○
next P          ○───●───●───○───○
P               ○───○───●───●───○

Next for State Transitions

All right, time for a more concrete example, something we’ll evolve throughout this post. Let’s say we have a formula gdprConsentIsVisible which is true when the GDPR consent screen is visible. We specify that the screen should be visible in the current and next state like so:

gdprConsentIsVisible && next gdprConsentIsVisible

A pair of consecutive states is called a step. When specifying state machines, we use the next operator to describe state transitions. A state transition formula is a logical predicate on a step.

In the GDPR example above, we said that the consent screen should stay visible in both states of the step. If we want to describe a state change in the consent screen’s visibility, we can say:

gdprConsentIsVisible && next (not gdprConsentIsVisible)

The formula describes a state transition from a visible to a hidden consent screen.


But interesting state machines usually have more than one possible transition, and interesting behaviors likely contain multiple steps.

While we could nest formulae containing the next operator, we’d be stuck with specifications only describing a finite number of transitions.

Consider the following, where we like to state that the GDPR consent screen should always be visible:

gdprConsentIsVisible && next (gdprConsentIsVisible && next ...)

This doesn’t work for state machines with cycles, i.e. with possibly infinite traces, because we can only nest a finite number of next operators. We want state machine specifications that describe any number of transitions.

This is where we pick up the always operator. It takes a formula as an argument, and it’s true if the given formula is true in the current state and in all future states.

always P   ●───●───●───●───●
P          ●───●───●───●───●
always Q   ○───○───●───●───●
Q          ●───○───●───●───●

Note how always Q is true in the third state and onwards, because that’s when Q becomes true in the current and all future states.

Let’s revisit the always-visible consent screen specification. Instead of trying to nest an infinite amount of next formulae, we instead say:

always gdprConsentIsVisible

Neat! This is called an invariant property. Invariants are assertions on individual states, and an invariant property says that it must hold for every state in the trace.

Always for State Machines

Now, let’s up our game. To specify the system as a state machine, we can combine transitions with disjunction (||) and the always operator. First, we define the individual transition formulae open and close:

let open = 
  not gdprConsentIsVisible && next gdprConsentIsVisible;

let close = 
  gdprConsentIsVisible && next (not gdprConsentIsVisible);

Our state machine formula says that it always transitions as described by open or close:

We have a state machine specification! Note that this specification only allows for transitions where the visibility of the consent screen changes back and forth.

So far we’ve only seen examples of safety properties. Those are properties that specify that “nothing bad happens.” But we also want to specify that systems somehow make progress. The following two temporal operators let us specify liveness properties, i.e. “good things eventually happen.”

Quickstrom does not support liveness properties yet.


We’ve used next to specify transitions, and always to specify invariants and state machines. But we might also want to use liveness properties in our specifications. In this case, we are not talking about specific steps, but rather goals.

The temporal operator eventually takes a formula as an argument, and it’s true if the given formula is true in the current or any future state.

eventually P   ○───○───○───○───○
P              ○───○───○───○───○
eventually Q   ●───●───●───●───○
Q              ○───○───○───●───○

For instance, we could say that the consent screen should initially be visible and eventually be hidden:

gdprConsentIsVisible && eventually (not gdprConsentIsVisible)

This doesn’t say that it stays hidden. It may become visible again, and our specification would allow that. To specify that it should stay hidden, we use a combination of eventually and always:

gdprConsentIsVisible && eventually (always (not gdprConsentIsVisible))

Let’s look at a diagram to understand this combination of temporal operators better:

eventually (always P)   ○───○───○───○───○
P                       ○───○───●───●───○
eventually (always Q)   ●───●───●───●───●
Q                       ○───○───●───●───●

The formula eventually (always P) is not true in any state, because P never starts being true forever. The other formula, eventually (always Q), is true in all states because Q becomes true forever in the third state.


The last temporal operator I want to discuss is until. For P until Q to be true, P must be true until Q becomes true.

P until Q   ●───●───●───●───○
P           ●───●───○───○───○
Q           ○───○───●───●───○

Just as with the eventually operator, the stop condition (Q) doesn’t have to stay true forever, but it has to be true at least once.

The until operator is more expressive than always and eventually, and they can both be defined using until.

Anyway, let’s get back to our running example. Suppose we have another formula supportChatVisible that is true when the support chat button is shown. We want to make sure it doesn’t show up until after the GDPR consent screen is closed:

not supportChatVisible until not gdprConsentIsVisible

The negations make it a bit harder to read, but it’s equivalent to the informal statement: “the support chat button is hidden at least until the GDPR consent screen is hidden.” It doesn’t demand that the support chat button is ever visible, though. For that, we instead say:

  until (supportChatVisible && not gdprConsentIsVisible)

In this formula, supportChatVisible has to become true eventually, and at that point the consent screen must be hidden.

Until for State Machines

We can use the until operator to define a state machine formula where the final transition is more explicit.

Let’s say we want to specify the GDPR consent screen more rigorously. Suppose we already have the possible state transition formulae defined:

  • allowCollectedData
  • disallowCollectedData
  • submit

We can then put together the state machine formula:

let gdprConsentStateMachine = 
    && (allowCollectedData || disallowCollectedData) 
         until (submit && next (not gdprConsentIsVisible));

In this formula we allow any number of allowCollectedData or disallowCollectedData transitions, until the final submit resulting in a closed consent screen.

What’s next?

We’ve looked at some temporal operators in LTL, and how to use them to specify state machines. I’m hoping this post has given you some ideas and inspiration!

Another blog post worth checking out is TLA+ Action Properties by Hillel Wayne. It’s written specifically for TLA+, but most of the concepts are applicable to LTL and Quickstrom-style specifications.

I intend to write follow-ups, covering atomic propositions, queries, actions, and events. If you want to comment, there are threads on GitHub, Twitter, and on Lobsters. You may also want to sponsor my work.

Thank you Vitor Enes, Andrey Mokhov, Pascal Poizat, and Liam O’Connor for reviewing drafts of this post.

from Hacker News

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