Monday, December 13, 2021

Ouroboros: Distributed System for Packetized Network Communications


A bird’s eye view of Ouroboros.

Ouroboros is a prototype distributed system for packetized network communications. It is a redesign ab initio of the current packet networking model – from the programming API almost to the wire – without compromises. While the prototype not directly compatible with IP or sockets, it has some interfaces to be interoperable with common technologies: we run Ouroboros over Ethernet or UDP, or create IP/Ethernet tunnels over Ouroboros by exposing tap or tun devices.

From an application perspective, an Ouroboros network is a “black box” with a simple interface. Either Ouroboros will provides a flow, a bidirectional channel that delivers data within some requested operational parameters such as delay and bandwidth and reliability and security; or it provides a broadcast channel to a set of joined programmes.

From an administrative perspective, an Ouroboros network is a bunch of daemons that can be thought of as software routers (unicast) or software hubs (broadcast) that can be connected to each other; again through a simple API.

Some of the main characteristics are:

  • Ouroboros is minimalistic: it has only the essential protocol fields. It will also try to use the lowest possible network layer (i.e. on a single machine, Ouroboros communicates directly over shared memory, over a LAN it will communicate over Ethernet, over IP it will communicate over UDP), in a completely transparent way to the application.

  • Ouroboros enforces the end-to-end principle. Packet headers are immutable between the state machines that operate on their state. Only two protocol fields change on a hop-by-hop (as viewed within a network layer) basis: TTL and ECN. This immutability can be enforced through authentication (not yet implemented).

  • Ouroboros has external and dynamic server application binding. Socket applications leave it to the application developer to manage binding from within the program (typically a bind() call to either a specific IP address or to all addresses (, leaving all configuration application (or library-) specific. When shopping for network libraries, typical questions are “can it bind to multiple IP addresses for high availability?“, “Can I run multiple servers in parallel on the same port for scaling?“. Ouroboros makes all this management external to the program: server applications only need to call flow_accept(). The bind() primitive allows a program (or running process) to be bound from the command line to a certain (set of) service names and when a flow request arrives for that service, Ouroboros acts as a broker that hands of the flow to any program that is bound to that service. Binding is N-to-M: multiple programs can be bound to the same service name, and programs can be bound to multiple names. This binding is also dynamic: it can be done while the program is running, and will not disrupt existing flows. In addition, the register() primitive allows external and dynamic control over which network a service name is available over. Again, while the service is running, and without disrupting existing flows.

  • The Ouroboros end-to-end protocol performs flow control, error control and reliable transfer and is implemented as part of the application library. This includes sequence numbering, ordering, sending and handling acknowledgments, managing flow control windows, …

  • Ouroboros can establish an encrypted flow in a single RTT (not including name-to-address resolution). The flow allocation API is a 2-way handshake (request-response) that agrees on endpoint IDs and performs an ECDHE key exchange. The end-to-end protocol is based on Delta-t and doesn’t need a handshake.

  • Ouroboros allows encrypting everything before handing it to the next layer for delivery. With this functionality in the library, it’s easy to force encryption on every flow that is created from your machine over Ouroboros regardless of what the application programmer has implemented. Unlike TLS, the end-to-end header (sequence number etc) can be fully encrypted.

  • Ouroboros congestion control operates at the network level. It does not (can not!) rely on acknowledgements. This means all network flows are automatically congestion controlled.

  • The flow allocation API works as an interface to the network. An Ouroboros network layer is therefore “aware” of all traffic that it is offered. This allows the layer to implement shaping and police traffic, but only based on quantity and QoS, not on the contents of the packets, to ensure net neutrality.

For a lot more depth, our article on the design of Ouroboros is accessible on arXiv.

The best place to start understanding a bit what Ouroboros aims to do and how it differs from other packet networks is to first watch this presentation at FOSDEM 2018 but note that this presentation is over three years old, and very outdated in terms of what has been implemented. The prototype implementation is now capable of asynchronous flows handling, doing retransmission, flow control, congestion control…

The next things to do are to have a quick read of the flow allocation and data path sections.

Last modified October 21, 2019

from Hacker News

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