Thursday, November 5, 2020

Tobias Lutke still writes code for Shopify

I think one of the main things I keep in mind in this is I’ve read so many articles and blog posts and opinions everywhere on the internet over the years that say “Don’t do rewrites.” That’s like the main takeaway to remember for all of those articles, and I want to be the person who does the opposite and says “Rewrites are possible. You can do rewrites if you do them right. How do you do them right? There’s many key things involved in there.” It’s not a thing where you have to push the rewrite option aside if it’s something that you don’t think is possible.

[00:55:47.03] The main thing, of course, I think is communicating early and often with the people that are involved into that process… Of course, in the example of Shopify developers it’s getting them aware that there’s going to be this new application that’s coming out, that you have to think about in terms of when your features and your roadmaps and everything have to be aware of that new application… And one mistake I did myself was trying to send an email at some point to say “Hey, this is the new implementation of how storefronts work.” One email is not gonna cut it. You have to be frequently getting in touch with people, and making sure that they’re aware.

Eventually, the word gets on, people get excited about the thing, and that’s when you kind of get this excitement going on for that new implementation, along with making sure that you have the most frictionless process to work on that new thing. When you get those two things combined, that’s where magic happens, and people want to work on the thing, but people also realize that it’s easier, it’s more fun to work on the new thing… So it becomes a self-realizing prophecy where you want it to happen, but people kind of make it happen for you… And that happens through communication, I think. So that’s one thing.

Of course, in terms of how people using Shopify benefit from this, we’re seeing some great results in terms of performance. On average, overall traffic coming up on the platform, we’re seeing around 3x-5x performance improvements for storefront response times on cache misses. Of course, we’re focusing on cache misses because cache hits are almost always fast; but whenever there is a cache miss, that’s what we want to optimize and make sure is always fast. So that was kind of the first rule, I guess, of the project, to say “Don’t really think about caching, because we want to first have very, very fast cache misses. And only when we know that we have some very fast cache misses do we want to start thinking about caching on top of that.”

So we don’t want to cheat away the cache misses by saying “Oh, it’s not a problem, because we just add caching onto there.” Sure, but what happens when you don’t have a cache hit? That’s when we want to be extra-fast. And in this case, we’re seeing some good performance there.

Some storefronts kind of surprised us in terms of how they performed, where we were seeing up to 10 times faster cache misses. So that’s something we were very surprised to see in the early process, and we kind of knew that this was the right way to go, because we were seeing those good results.

from Hacker News

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