Saturday, April 11, 2020

Show HN: HFD – a design language for laser cutters written in Go

Heavy Fish Design (the docs)

Welcome. Heavy Fish Design is a JSON-like language for designing and layout of parts for laser cutters or CNC routers. Once you get the hang of it, we think you will have fun with all of things you can do.

Highlights include:
  • easy to use offsetting (i.e. adjusting for kerf).

  • Automatic layout of parts within the size of your material.

  • Splitting across multiple files if parts do not fit within the material.

  • Full featured expression language for easy scaling of components.

  • Easy to compose your designs into reusuable custom components.


HFD is a command line tool with available binaries for mac and windows (and simple to build for anyone with golang experience). Simply download the package, and open a terminal to render your first design. The zip file contains many example designs, which are easily customizable by changing any of the parameters near the top of the .hfd file.


Open a terminal (these instructions for mac, but should be similar on windows):

$ cd ~/Downloads $ unzip $ cd heavyfishdesign $ ./hfd-mac render designs/xmas_tree/nadia.hfd 

You may have to override the security settings (usually, just navigate to the hfd-mac file and control+click and select open then allow – after that the command line should work)


There are loads of examples available in the repo. See HERE for the various HFD files, and to see HERE for the rendered output.

Game Cabinet

Designed by: Dustin Norlander, Gus Norlander

HFD File

hfd-mac render designs/game_cabinet/cabinet.hfd 

Game cabinet we designed this for the picade from adafruit but it can be easily customizable for other configurations


Christmas Tree

Designed by: Nadia Swift

HFD File

hfd-mac render designs/xmas_tree/nadia.hfd 

Christmas tree design, demonstrates a repeatable element that changes based on index. Easily customizable by providing your own branch and star designs.


from Hacker News

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