Wednesday, May 25, 2022

How I think about C99 strict aliasing rules

Recently I was asked about how to review C99 code for problems that arise from failing to follow the so called “strict aliasing rules”. I struggled to present my thought process while vetting code for this class of problems, so I thought I would write a post to hopefully make my explanation more coherent.

The strict aliasing rules can be surprising because the way optimizers take advantage of them doesn’t mesh well with the popular belief that pointers are “just numbers”. Ultimately, I think there are practical benefits to understanding the rules even if you disagree with them. Popular compilers such as GCC and Clang take advantage of the rules so knowing them can help with debugging if for nothing else.

This is just my simplified model for how C compilers make use of the rules, and I don’t claim that it’s 100% correct. However, I have found it useful enough to spot problems in code and when the code looked fine, used it to spot a problem in the compiler.

What are the rules, anyways?

The relevant part in C99 is §6.5p7, but in my head it basically boils down to “two value accesses are disjoint when the types are different, except when one of the types is a char type”. Yes, many subtleties are out the window and it’s not going to get me into WG14, but I think it’s a useful level of understanding regardless.

What happens when the optimizer can see that a write is disjoint with respect to a read? It can decide to reorder the program and do the read first if it seems profitable for performance.

Here is a sample where we can see GCC making use of the aliasing rules:

reorder(unsigned *foo)
    *foo = 0;

    short *ptr = (short *)foo;
    *ptr = 1;

    return *foo;

Compiling with -O2 gives the following:

    mov     DWORD PTR [rdi], 1
    xor     eax, eax

The code is using an idiom to zero out eax, but the gist is that it’s returning zero. GCC’s output has a different order than our source program; *ptr = 1 seems to have no effect on the final read from foo, even though one might understand foo and ptr as having the same address and expect *ptr = 1 to happen before return *foo, as ordered in the source code. Adding to the surprise, GCC has combined the two indirect writes into one, seemingly via the understanding that foo and ptr have the same address! There seems to be some strange contradiction.

Compile with -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing and we get something different:

    mov     DWORD PTR [rdi], 1
    mov     eax, 1

Ah ha! By default, when GCC gets to use the powers granted to it by the standard, it can assume that short writes have no effect on unsigned reads, but -fno-strict-aliasing tells GCC to forget about that part of the standard.

GCC is organized as optimization passes and separate passes don’t necessarily share information. The strange inconsistency we saw when we compiled with default options is likely a result of this – the mov and the xor are likely coming from two separate parts of the compiler that don’t share the same understanding of our program.

The bug reporting guide for GCC has a section about -fno-strict-aliasing, perhaps because many people have been surprised by this optimization:

To disable optimizations based on alias-analysis for faulty legacy code, the option -fno-strict-aliasing can be used as a work-around.

Oof. Okay GCC, type-based alias analysis is great and useful, but no need to judge this hard.

Snap back to reality

Let’s go look at a practical example in CRuby where we did not follow the rules. If you’d like to follow along, you can grab this commit and build with the following commands:

$ ./
$ ./configure cflags=-flto LDFLAGS=-flto
$ make -j8 miniruby

I’ll be using GCC 11.2.0 on a GNU/Linux distribution.

This example has to do with an output parameter, where we expect a function to do a write using the out parameter before returning. The call site looks like this:

typedef unsigned long VALUE;
typedef unsigned long ID;
typedef struct st_table st_table;

int rb_id_table_lookup(struct rb_id_table *tbl, ID id, VALUE *valp);
//                                                            ^^^^
//                                                  out param of interest

do_lookup(struct rb_id_table *const_cache, ID id)
    st_table *ics;

    if (rb_id_table_lookup(constant_cache, id, (VALUE *) &ics)) {
        // successful lookup
        st_foreach(ics, iterator_fn, 0);

When rb_id_table_lookup() returns 1, it indicates that it has written through valp:

//... inside rb_id_table_lookup()
if (index >= 0) {
    *valp = tbl->items[index].val;
    return TRUE;
else {
    return FALSE;

Let’s focus on the code path where the lookup succeeds and break it down into a sequence of accesses by type:

  1. write unsigned long aka VALUE through valp
  2. read st_table * using the ics local variable

Uh oh, unsigned long and st_table * are distinct types, so by the aliasing rules the compiler is free to assume that the two accesses have no relation. If it decides to reorder and do the read before the write, that would betray our intention – we want to make use of the output from the successful lookup so we always want the write to happen first!

Does GCC tell us anything about this mismatch between our intention and what we wrote? Why yes:

vm_method.c:146:9: warning: ‘ics’ may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
  146 |         st_foreach(ics, rb_clear_constant_cache_for_id_i, (st_data_t) NULL);
      |         ^
class.c: In function ‘clear_constant_cache_i’:
vm_method.c:143:15: note: ‘ics’ declared here
  143 |     st_table *ics;
      |               ^

That’s a bit of a strange warning to get if you expect accesses to happen in source code order. I suspect what has happened under the hood is that GCC considered putting the read before the write and while evaluating that schedule GCC detects that it reads from an uninitialized variable. I think GCC only sees this read-before-write schedule when interpreting the aliasing rules strictly because adding -fno-strict-aliasing makes the warning disappear.

The fix for this issue makes the code write and read through the same type. If you’re in the mood for an exercise, you can imagine what the code change looks like before looking at the patch.


This post tries to build intuition for spotting strict aliasing issues. The analysis I showed involves distilling the program under review into accesses by type, sort of like taking a projection of it. The CRuby example is interprocedural and to get all the requisite information for our analysis we needed to reference two functions in separate files. Similarly, GCC issues a warning about the code only when we build with link time optimization, where it can reason about the two functions in separate translation units together.

Have fun coding in ISO C and be careful casting pointers!

from Hacker News

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