Monday, October 14, 2019

ABC News is using footage from US gun range claiming from Syria

ABC News is in a credibility crisis after they used footage from an bi-annual Kentucky machine gun shoot and passed it off as heavy fighting in Syria.

Pilfering footage from the famous Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot, ABC utilized the video -showing tracer fires piercing the night sky- as part of the ABC World News Tonight with David Muir on Sunday night.

The use of the footage was noticed by a keen-eyed Reddit user by the handle of “Renacidos,” who criticized the “fake news which damages the credibility of western news media.”

During the news bit, Muir continued discussing the Turkish military’s assault on Kurdish forces in Syria, playing the situation completely straight.

“This video right here appearing to show the Turkish military bombing Kurd civilians in a Syrian border town,” Muir said. “The Kurds, who fought alongside the US against ISIS now horrific reports of atrocities, committed by Turkish-backed fighters on those very allies.”

The dazzling footage is part of the night time machine gun shoot that takes place at Knob Creek, part of a bi-annual event that celebrates what few automatic weapons remain in civilian hands in the United States.

“The participants are machine gun dealers, collectors, and enthusiasts from all over the country,” Knob Creek Range’s website states. “The Machine Gun Shoot itself consists of two days of machine gun shooting, dealer displays, shooting competitions and spectacular Friday and Saturday Night Shoots. The machine gunners are shooting at a wide variety of used appliances, abandoned vehicles, and barrels of fuel with pyrotechnic charges attached. The pyrotechnic charges are painted orange for the shooter to see. The charges are set off by the impact of the bullets, creating large mushroom clouds and fireballs.”

It should be noted that Kentucky is located nowhere near Syria.

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