Friday, July 28, 2023

Llama 32K Context Released by Together AI

In the last few months, we have witnessed the rapid progress of the open-source ecosystem for LLMs — from the original LLaMA model that triggered the “LLaMA moment”, to efforts such as RedPajama, MPT, Falcon, and the recent LLaMA-2 release, open-source models have been catching up with closed-source models. We believe the upcoming opportunity for open-source models is to extend the context length of open models to the regime of 32K-128K, matching that of state-of-the-art closed-source models. We have already seen some exciting efforts here such as MPT-7B-8K and LLongMA-2 (8K).

Today, we’re sharing with the community some recent learnings and explorations at Together AI in the direction of building long-context models with high quality and efficiency. Specifically:

  • LLaMA-2-7B-32K: We extend LLaMA-2-7B to 32K long context, using Meta’s recipe of interpolation and continued pre-training. We share our current data recipe, consisting of a mixture of long context pre-training and instruction tuning data.

  • Examples of building your own long-context models: We share two examples of how to fine-tune LLaMA-2-7B-32K to build specific applications, including book summarization and long-context question answering.

  • Software support: We updated both the inference and training stack to allow for efficient inference and fine-tuning with 32K context, using the recently released FlashAttention-2 and a range of other optimizations. This allows one to create their own 32K context model and conduct inference efficiently. 

  • Try it yourself:

    • Go to Together API and run LLaMA-2-7B-32K for inference.

    • Use OpenChatKit to fine-tune a 32K model over LLaMA-2-7B-32K for your own long context applications.

    • Go to HuggingFace and try out LLaMA-2-7B-32K.

Long-context models are already crucial for document understanding, summarization, and retrieval augmented generation. We are excited to share this work with the open-source community and make sustained progress towards better, longer-context models.

Extending LLaMA-2 to 32K context

LLaMA-2 has a context length of 4K tokens. To extend it to 32K context, three things need to come together: modeling, data, and system optimizations.

On the modeling side, we follow Meta’s recent paper and use linear interpolation to extend the context length. This provides a powerful way to extend the context length for models with rotary positional embeddings. We take the LLaMA-2 checkpoint, and continue pre-training/fine-tuning it with linear interpolation for 1.5B tokens.

But this alone is not enough. What data should we use in improving the base model? Instead of simply fine-tuning using generic language datasets such as Pile and RedPajama as in Meta’s recent recipe, we realize that there are two important factors here and we have to be careful about both. First, we need generic long-context language data for the model to learn how to handle the interpolated positional embeddings; and second, we need instruction data to encourage the models to actually take advantagement of the information in the long context. Having both seems to be the key. 

Our current data recipe consists of the following mixture of data:

  • In the first phase of continued pre-training, our data mixture contains 25% RedPajama Book, 25% RedPajama ArXiv (including abstracts), 25% other data from RedPajama, and 25% from the UL2 Oscar Data, which is a part of OIG (Open-Instruction-Generalist), asking the model to fill in missing chunks, or complete the text. To enhance the long-context capabilities, we exclude sequences shorter than 2K tokens. The UL2 Oscar Data encourages the model to model long-range dependencies.

  • We then fine-tune the model to focus on its few shot capacity with long contexts, including 20% Natural Instructions (NI), 20% Public Pool of Prompts (P3), 20% the Pile. To mitigate forgetting, we further incorporate 20% RedPajama Book and 20% RedPajama ArXiv with abstracts. We decontaminated all data against HELM core scenarios (see a precise protocol here). We teach the model to leverage the in-context examples by packing as many examples as possible into one 32K-token sequence. 

We evaluate the model in two ways: (1) its normalized perplexity under various sequence lengths on PG-19, and (2) its HELM v1.0 scores over 16 core scenarios (evaluated on the same context length that fits LLaMA 2). We see that LLaMA-2-7B-32K incurs reasonable perplexity, comparable to the original LLaMA 2 model. Moreover, on HELM v1.0, LLaMA-2-7B-32K achieves comparable, if not better, quality against the original LLaMA-2-7B base model.

from Hacker News

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