Sunday, December 27, 2020

10 KB Club: With links to popular HN, Reddit, Lobsters threads for each website

10 KB Club

The 10 KB Club is a curated collection of interesting websites whose home pages do not exceed 10 KB compressed size. Whether a website is interesting enough to be a member of this club is decided based on the criteria specified in the Club Rules section. To view the source code of this website, see this GitHub repository.

Club Members

The following websites are members of the 10 KB Club. Click anywhere on a row (except on the website name) to see links to a few interesting Hacker News and Reddit discussions on links belonging to the website. To suggest a new website to be added to this list, see the New Membership section.

The data in the table above was fetched on Mon, 28 Dec 2020 at 04:25 GMT. This data is refreshed automatically every Saturday at 01:09 UTC as well as on every push to its GitHub repository.

Do not take the content size and content ratio columns too seriously. The content size is calculated using refresh.js in the source code of the repository. It is not always accurate. For example, it considers internal CSS to be content but external CSS to be not content. Therefore, home pages that use CSS within an HTML page have an unfair advantage to get a higher content ratio than it should. 250 KB Club too suffers from the same issue.

Club Rules

Each website that is a member of the 10 KB Club is identified by a URL to its home page. The URL must satisfy the following rules:

  1. If the URL is opened in a web browser with no ad blockers or script blockers enabled, the compressed data that the web browser has to fetch to load the complete web page must not exceed 10240 bytes. To check this on Firefox or Chrome, open a new private/incognito window, then right click on the blank page and select "Inspect", then go to the "Network" tab, and finally enter the URL in the address bar and press enter. The transferred size appears in the status bar at the bottom of the network tab.

  2. The URL must point to a home page of the website. This is usually the root directory of the domain, i.e., of the form but it need not always be so. An URL of the form is also okay as long as it is a home page of some website that exists under that directory, i.e., a top-level user page within a domain is considered as a website home page.

  3. The URL must point to a page that contains useful content (e.g., an article, a manifesto page, etc.) or a list of links to such content (e.g., blog listing, catalog of websites, etc.), or provides useful functionality (e.g., a web-based game, an online currency convertor, etc.).

  4. The URL must not point merely to a page with metadata about a person or an organization (e.g., welcome page, about page, contact information page, etc. without any other content are not okay).

  5. The website must be very noteworthy or some content from the website must have received at least 100 points on Hacker News or Reddit or at least 40 points on Lobsters on at least one occasion. Use the following links to check submissions for a website in these forums and the points the submissions have received:

    Replace "" with the domain of the website while visiting the links above.

Note that the manual steps provided for Firefox and Chrome in the 1st point do not constitute a definitive decision criteria for membership. The compressed transfer size computation for every website is automated in refresh.js. The compressed transfer size observed by this script decides whether a website satisfies the 1st rule. The compressed transfer size observed by the script does not always exactly match what Firefox or Chrome shows. For example, this script does not count the favicon transfer size, so the transfer size that this script determines is usually a little less than what Firefox or Chrome shows.

If a website's domain name or URL changed since one of its links received 100 or more points on Hacker News, as long as we can prove that the URL being submitted is indeed the same website from which some content received at least 100 points on Hacker News, it is eligible to be a member of this club. For example, if the old website URL redirects to the new website or if the Wayback Machine shows that the old URL had the same content as the new one, or if it is obvious that the content that was discussed on Hacker News now resides at a new URL, then that would be sufficient proof of eligibility.

New Membership

To add a website as a member to this club, first ensure that it satisfies the rules laid out in the Club Rules section. If it satisfies the club rules, then create a new issue on GitHub and provide the URL of the website.

The 10 KB Club was created by Susam Pal. The source code of this website is available on GitHub.

This website is inspired by Bradley Taunt's 1 MB Club and Norman Köhring's 250 KB Club.

Made with ♥ for a performant web.

from Hacker News

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