Saturday, May 30, 2020

Show HN: Caldera – Phoenix LiveView for Node and React


Caldera is a server-side execution environment for React. Think of it as the Node.js analog to Phoenix LiveView — all of the application logic (including rendering) runs on the server, and DOM updates are sent to the client in real-time.

This allows developers to rapidly build interactive and multiplayer applications without developing boilerplate around RPC layers (REST/GraphQL/gRPC) and messaging primitives (WebSockets/subscriptions/etc).

Because it's built on top of the React reconciler, it's compatible with (currently, a reasonably useful subset of) the existing React API. See what's currently included and what's to come for updates.


Run npm install caldera to install Caldera.


A simple example (chat room) to get started:

import React, { useState } from "react"; import { renderCalderaApp, makeSharedResource, useSharedState } from "caldera"; import fs from "fs"; const DATA_PATH = "messages.json"; const messagesResource = makeSharedResource( // Load initial messages fs.existsSync(DATA_PATH) ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(DATA_PATH, "utf-8")) : [] ); const usePersistedMessages = () => { // Basic shared state, synced with all clients const [messages, setMessages] = useSharedState(messagesResource); return [ messages, // Persist to disk (in prod, use a database) (newMessages) => { setMessages(newMessages); fs.writeFileSync(DATA_PATH, JSON.stringify(newMessages)); }, ]; }; const App = () => { const [messages, setMessages] = usePersistedMessages(); // local state, persisted across client reconnects const [draftMsg, setDraftMsg] = useState(""); return ( <> <h1>Chat Room!</h1> {, i) => ( <div key={i}>{message}</div> ))} <form onSubmit={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); setMessages([...messages, draftMsg]); setDraftMsg(""); }} > <input type="text" value={draftMsg} onChange={(e) => setDraftMsg(} /> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </form> </>  ); };  renderCalderaApp(<App />, { port: 4000 });

Install Babel by running npm install @babel/core @babel/node @babel/preset-react.

Then, run the app using babel-node --presets @babel/preset-react index.jsx. For a runnable version, check the basic-example folder.

A few other examples here demonstrate features like shared state, database usage, and session persistence.


[Work in progress]

The caldera package provides the following top-level exports:

  • Head: A React component that renders its children into the page's <head />
  • renderCalderaApp: A function that takes in a React element, and runs the Caldera server on port 8080
  • makeSharedResource: Creates a shared resource suitable for use in useSharedState and useSharedReducer
  • useSharedState/useSharedReducer: Shared equivalents to the useState and useReducer hooks that are initialized with the current value of the passed in resource, and trigger rerenders in all other call sites upon updating
  • useHistory/useLocation - hooks that enable routing functionality

What works

  • Basic form inputs (text fields/areas, checkboxes, selects, radio buttons)
  • Basic event listeners (onclick/onchange/onsubmit/onfocus/onblur/keyevents)
  • CSS and other head tags (via <Head />)
  • Basic input reconciliation (currently implemented via debounce)
  • Shared state and reducer hooks
  • State serialization and restore + state "forking" whenever a user opens a new client

What's being worked on

  • More events (ondragstart, intersection observers)
  • <input type="file"> support
  • Better, diff-based input reconciliation

Future plans

  • Proper versioning for state serialization
    • This will allow support for upgrading the server in-place, while retaining certain parts of the client state
  • Support for selectively rendering arbitrary React components on the client

from Hacker News

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