Monday, February 10, 2020

Show HN: A open source Heroku-like PaaS that runs on your server

Dockerfile deployment + Officially supported Buildpacks

In addition to the officially supported buildpacks and Dockerfile deployment, you can deploy using any open source buildpack.

A Complete platform for devs and businesses.

  • Deploy from Git

    We integrate with BitBucket, GitHub and GitLab. All three services provide free private repos. Just connect your account and you are ready to ship.

  • Zero downtime deployments

    We support classic pre-boot by making sure the new web app is ready to accept connections. You can also specify a wait period.

  • Deploy to multiple servers

    Scale out by declaring the number of instances of the app you want to run and in one click, RepoBus will distribute containers across your fleet of servers and load balance traffic to it.

  • Secure by default

    Dashboard two factor authentication support. Your data never leaves your servers, All traffic is served using your servers as well. Communicating with your server is done over only SSL.

  • SSL certificates

    Free multi domain SSL certificates provisioned and automatically renewed using the Let's encrypt CA.

  • Aggregated logs + search

    From the dashboard, you can view logs for all your instances and even search your logs. A value you will not find anywhere.

  • Aggregated metrics + alerts

    From the dashboard, you can easily view the CPU and RAM usage of your apps as well as the response latency. Set the alerts to be notified when CPU or the response latency is too high.

  • Background jobs scheduler

    From the dashboard, you can schedule task to be executed with precision. No cron scripts required, everything is done from an intuitive dashboard.

  • Team collaboration

    Your entire team can use the same dashbaord to collaborate and deploy. Activity logging provides insights into all the changes made by team members.

  • No bash scripts required

    Unless you are an expert and want to use Dockerfiles, most projects can be deployed without any knowledge of hosting or writing bash scripts. Simply push and we take care of the rest.

  • Uptime monitoring

    Uptime monitoring and alerts is built into the platform. Set alerts to be notified when any of your applications are not responding.

  • Dedicated + 60% cost cutting

    All PaaS offerings on the market are decorated shared hosting environments. With RepoBus, you have your own private space while saving up to about 60% on your current hosting bill.

from Hacker News

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