Saturday, December 28, 2019

FreeDB Is Shutting Down

Text-based search online again

The functionality of the old, well-known text-based search engine is available again with some optimizations at We are planning further improvements with regard to usability and expert search, speed and shortcuts, which explains the beta version status. This search makes available to all users for free all content provided by the countless number of contributors to the largest, free CD info database.

A fascinating exploration of the relationship between music & the mind

(From the Publisher) Whether you load your MP3 Player with Bach or Bono, music has a significant role in your life-even if you never realized it. Why does music evoke such powerful moods? The answers are at last becoming clear, thanks to revolutionary neuroscience and the emerging field of evolutionary psychology. Both a cutting-edge study and a tribute to the beauty of music itself, This Is Your Brain on Music unravels a host of mysteries that affect everything from pop culture to our understanding of human nature.

read on...

Continuation of the free database guaranteed

With the acquisition of the domain MAGIX also takes on all duties regarding the worldwide freedb community:

  • the entire freedb service has been running since the middle of September on the MAGIX servers (including the FTP download function of the open source database and archive)
  • this service will remain license-free and will be available for unrestricted use by any commercial or non-commercial user or developer
  • all updates to the database will also continue to be regularly and freely available
  • the licence for the data and the corresponding server or service software will remain under GPL

Furthermore, MAGIX runs the mirror server and hosts the website as well as the new forum. This secures a basis for theprosperity of freedb and its main aim: the data collected by the users for the users will be kept freely available in thefuture - guaranteed. MAGIX will add its know-how to help with the continued development of the service according to the GPL.Every developer from the present community is invited to continue to actively contribute to the successful continuity of freedb.

from Hacker News

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